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The Biblical Timeline: Understanding Key Historical and Prophetic Periods

The Bible provides a comprehensive timeline that spans from the creation of the world to the events yet to unfold in the future. Understanding this timeline is crucial for anyone seeking to grasp the full narrative of the Bible, as well as the prophetic events that shape our understanding of history and the end times.

This article will explore key periods in the biblical timeline, Part One explores from 4000 BC to modern times, including interpretations of significant events and their implications for understanding Bible prophecy. 

Part Two examines the evidence that Jesus has already returned once and we are in fact in Satan’s Little Season, awaiting God’s White throne judgement on mankind, which could be in 2026.  

Part 1 - 4000 BC to 70 AD: The Old Testament & New Covenant

This period covers what many believe to be the time from the creation of the world to the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD. It includes the creation of mankind, the patriarchal period, the formation of Israel, and the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

Key Events and Significance

  • Creation and Early Genesis: The timeline traditionally begins around 4000 BC with the creation account in Genesis, the fall of man, and the early history of humanity.
  • The Patriarchs: The call of Abraham around 2000 BC marks the beginning of God’s covenant relationship with Israel, followed by the lives of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
  • The Exodus and the Law: Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt around 1446 BC, receiving the Law at Sinai and establishing the foundation for the nation of Israel.
  • The Kingdom Period: The reigns of David and Solomon (around 1000 BC) establish Israel as a significant kingdom, culminating in the construction of the First Temple.
  • The Exile and Return: After the Babylonian exile (586 BC), the Jewish people return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple, setting the stage for the arrival of the Messiah.
  • The Life of Jesus: The period from 4 BC to 30 AD covers the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, followed by the early church's growth and the spread of the Gospel.
  • 70 A.D.: The destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans marks the end of this significant period, fulfilling Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24.

70 AD to 2024 AD: The Early Church to Present Day

This millennium is often seen as a transition period in Christian history, characterised by the spread of Christianity, the rise and fall of empires, and significant theological developments.

The Spread of Christianity: Following the destruction of the Temple in 70AD, Christianity spreads throughout the Roman Empire and beyond, becoming increasingly distinct from its Jewish roots.

  • The Councils and Creeds: This period sees the development of key doctrines through ecumenical councils, such as the Nicene Creed (325 AD), which defines the orthodox understanding of the Trinity and Christ’s divinity.
  • The Fall of Rome: The decline of the Western Roman Empire (476 AD) gives rise to the Byzantine Empire and the spread of Christianity into Europe.
  • The Rise of Islam: In the 7th century, Islam emerges, rapidly expanding across the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Europe, significantly impacting the Christian world.
  • Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Split: While the official split occurred in 1054, the effects were long-lasting. The schism formalized the division between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, shaping the future of Christianity in both the East and the West.

1070 AD – 1300 AD: The Crusades and the Expansion of Christendom

The Crusades (1096-1291)

  • Purpose and Impact: The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated by the Latin Church in medieval Europe, primarily aimed at reclaiming Jerusalem and other holy lands from Muslim control. They had a profound impact on Christian-Muslim relations and contributed to the spread of Christian influence in Europe and the Near East.
  • The First Crusade (1096-1099): Marked by the capture of Jerusalem and the establishment of Crusader states in the Levant.
  • Subsequent Crusades: Though less successful, these continued efforts to maintain Christian control over the Holy Land and protect Christian pilgrims.

1300 AD – 1600 AD: The Reformation and Religious Upheaval

The Renaissance (14th to 17th Century)

  • Rebirth of Classical Learning: The Renaissance was a cultural movement that emphasized a return to the classical learning and values of ancient Greece and Rome. This period saw the translation of the Bible into vernacular languages, making it more accessible to the general population.
  • Humanism: Renaissance humanism placed a greater emphasis on individualism and secularism, which began to challenge the authority of the Church.

The Protestant Reformation (1517)

  • Martin Luther’s 95 Theses (1517): Martin Luther's posting of the 95 Theses is commonly marked as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, a movement against perceived corruption within the Catholic Church, particularly the sale of indulgences.
  • Rise of Protestantism: The Reformation led to the creation of new Christian denominations, including Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism, which rejected the authority of the Pope and introduced new interpretations of Christian doctrine.

The Council of Trent (1545-1563)

  • Catholic Counter-Reformation: In response to the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church initiated the Counter-Reformation, exemplified by the Council of Trent. The council sought to address abuses within the Church and clarify Catholic doctrine, reaffirming the authority of the Pope and the importance of tradition alongside Scripture.

1600 AD – 1800 AD: Enlightenment, Revivals, and Missions

The Enlightenment (17th to 19th Century)

  • Rationalism and Deism: The Enlightenment introduced new ways of thinking about religion, emphasizing reason, science, and scepticism of traditional religious authority. Deism, which posits a creator who does not intervene in the universe, gained popularity among some intellectuals.
  • Impact on Christianity: The Enlightenment challenged the authority of the Church and led to increased secularization in Europe. However, it also inspired a renewal of interest in biblical scholarship and the historical study of the Bible.

The Great Awakenings (1730s-1800s)

  • 1776 and The American Revolution: The year 1776 marks the beginning of the American Revolution, which some see as the start of a significant prophetic period in modern history.
  • Religious Revivals: The Great Awakenings were periods of religious revival in the American colonies and Europe, characterized by fervent preaching, conversions, and the growth of evangelical denominations such as Methodism and Baptism.
  • Social Impact: These revivals emphasized personal piety and a direct relationship with God, leading to the growth of missionary work and social reform movements, including the abolition of slavery.

1800 AD – 1900 AD: Missionary Expansion and Biblical Criticism

Missionary Movements

  • Global Evangelism: The 19th century saw a significant expansion of Christian missionary work across Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. Missionaries aimed to spread the Christian faith and Western education, often leading to the establishment of Christian communities in previously non-Christian regions.

The Rise of Biblical Criticism

  • Historical-Critical Method: The 19th century also marked the rise of biblical criticism, particularly the historical-critical method, which sought to understand the Bible in its historical context. This approach challenged traditional interpretations of the Bible and led to debates over the nature of biblical inspiration and authority.

1900 AD – 2000 AD: Modern Challenges and New Movements

The Ecumenical Movement (20th Century)

  • Christian Unity: The ecumenical movement sought to promote unity among Christian denominations. This was exemplified by the formation of the World Council of Churches in 1948 and efforts to bridge doctrinal divides between different Christian traditions.

The World Wars and Their Impact

  • Theological Reflection: The horrors of World War I and World War II led to deep theological reflection, particularly on issues of suffering, evil, and the role of the Church in society. The Holocaust, in particular, prompted a re-evaluation of Christian-Jewish relations and the responsibility of Christians in combating anti-Semitism.

Vatican II (1962-1965)

  • Reforms in the Catholic Church: The Second Vatican Council, known as Vatican II, brought significant changes to the Catholic Church, including the use of vernacular languages in the Mass, a renewed emphasis on the laity, and a more open approach to other religions and Christian denominations.

The Rise of Pentecostalism and Charismatic Movements

  • New Expressions of Faith: The 20th century saw the rise of Pentecostalism, characterized by a focus on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues, healing, and prophecy. This movement spread rapidly across the globe and influenced other denominations through the Charismatic Renewal.

2000 AD – 2024 AD: Global Christianity and Contemporary Issues

The Growth of Christianity in the Global South

  • Shifting Demographics: The 21st century has seen significant growth in Christianity in the Global South, particularly in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This shift has brought new perspectives and challenges to the global Christian community.
  • Prosperity Gospel and Mega-Churches: The rise of the prosperity gospel, which teaches that faith can lead to wealth and health, and the growth of mega-churches have been significant trends in contemporary Christianity, particularly in the United States and Africa.

Theological and Social Debates

  • LGBTQ+ Issues: Debates over the inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals in the Church have intensified in recent decades, leading to splits within some denominations and ongoing discussions about biblical interpretation and Christian ethics.
  • Secularisation and the Rise of the "Nones": In Western countries, secularisation has led to an increase in the number of people who identify as having no religion ("nones"). This trend has prompted new approaches to evangelism and outreach by Christian communities.
  • Global Conflicts: The world wars, the Cold War, and ongoing global conflicts are seen by some as manifestations of spiritual warfare leading up to the end times.
  • 2026: Some interpret the year 2026 as a significant date in biblical prophecy, potentially marking the end of this "little season" and the beginning of the final phase of human history.

The Digital Age and Christianity

  • Technology and Faith: The rise of the internet and digital media has transformed how Christianity is practiced and shared. Online worship services, social media evangelism, and digital Bible studies have become increasingly common, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Popular Historical Timeline Conclusion

The period from 1070 AD to 2024 saw significant developments in biblical history and the evolution of Christianity. From the Crusades and the Reformation to the modern challenges of secularisation and digitalisation, these events have shaped the way Christianity is understood and practiced today.

Part 2 - The Alternative Timeline Starting with the Book of Revelation

But, what if the widely accepted narrative were false?  What if the historical timeline we’ve learned at school was falsified by Satan and his followers so as to deceive mankind after his release from the bottomless pit for him to begin Satan’s Little Season.  

The Book of Revelation is the final book of the Bible, filled with vivid imagery and prophetic visions concerning the end times, the return of Christ, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.  Therefore, it is important to note the significant events below, as written in this final book of the Bible - Revelation:

  1. Present time as written by John on Patmos
  2. Tribulation – Part 1 – 3 ½ Years (fulfilled by Nero)
  3. Tribulation – Part 2 – 3 ½ Years (fulfilled by Nero)
  4. Armageddon (Siege of Jerusalem)
  5. Jesus’ Return (See above, Josephus, 66AD)
  6. Millennial Reign (Prove it!)
  7. Camp of the Saints (North Pole & Old Maps)
  8. Satan’s Little Season (How long have you got?)
  9. Gog Magog War (Just around the corner!)
  10. Final Judgement (As soon as you like!)
  11. New Jerusalem (At last!)

The order of the above events is important as it points to the possibility of determining where we are now and what events could have happened that explain fulfilment of the prophecies.

Key Themes and Interpretations

  • The Seven Churches: Revelation begins with John writing letters to seven churches in Asia Minor, each addressing specific challenges and providing guidance for remaining faithful.
  • The Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls: These series of judgments describe the trials and tribulations that will occur during the end times, leading up to Armageddon and Satan’s imprisonment.
  • Christ’s return and Millennial Reign: As promised, those who were alive during Christ’s death and resurrection will have witnessed the Millennial Kingdom
  • Satan’s Little Season:  After 1,000 years, Satan is to be released and let loose on all those whose ancestors did not relocate to the Camp of the Saints.  This period culminates with the Gog Magog war and final judgement of Satan and mankind.
  • The New Jerusalem: The final chapters of Revelation describe the new heaven and new earth, where God will dwell with His people in eternal peace and righteousness.

The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ – 70 A.D. to 1070 A.D.

The other Biblical Timeline to consider is based upon events after the Destruction of the Temple.  Reports say Jesus returned in 66AD and was witnessed by Josephus, Tacitus and Sepher Yosippon a Jewish historian.  So perhaps events we have been taught from around 70AD date are not quite right!

I know it’s a big step and typically referred to as a conspiracy theory, however, all the so-called conspiracy theories keep being proven true.  There is also the issue of cognitive dissonance – a state of mind whereby people refuse to see, acknowledge, or try to understand a set of issues or facts that challenges their preconceived ideas. 

There are so many unanswered questions relating to physical examples such as unexplained Cathedrals in location without roads, i.e., in the middle of current day jungle areas in South America and built without scaffolding.

Also, there are stories of Freemasons stealing the glory of celestial buildings and deceiving society by saying they were responsible for the buildings. Others raise questions about cathodes, sound, and resonance that old cathedral were built for.    

The Bible states Jesus will rule the Millennial Kingdom with a rod of iron.  In the Bible, the phrase "he shall rule with a rod of iron" appears in multiple passages, including Revelation 2:27, Revelation 19:15, and Psalm 2:9.  Also, The Wolf will lay alongside the Lamb (Isaiah 11:6).

In my article about the Millennial Reign Erased, there is a selection of images that help raise questions about what happened in our not-so-distant past.

But for now, your homework, so-to-speak is to research your own understanding and this article is simply to help you on your way, should you be so inclined.

1070 A.D (1776 A.D.) to 2026 A.D: Satan's Little Season

This period is interpreted by some as a prophetic fulfilment of the "little season" mentioned in Revelation 20:3, during which Satan is released for a short time before the final judgment.

But when did it start, and when did the previous age stop?  As a born-again believer, I am fascinated about these questions.  But to put this into perspective, there are some who will recoil in shock or disgust that someone would even consider these possibilities.  However, let’s get one thing straight; firstly, it does not affect anyone’s salvation.  We’re all going to die and we’re all going to be judged. 

It matters not which end-times phase you believe we’re in and you will only be convinced of one era or another, based upon the content and research you have done.  If you have simply listened to a pastor’s sermon each week, you will be inclined to accept his understand and his research, if he has done any, so it doesn’t hurt to have an open mind.

How could the dates or events be changed?

Do not lose sight of the fact that Satan is the father of lies.  Being imprisoned for 1,000 years, would give anyone the time to think about the most effective strategy to obliterate the entire human race, starting with deceiving them to reject God, but more importantly to deceive mankind as to the real timeline – a simple but effective strategy.

If you think it’s not possible, and that no one could do such a thing, let’s start by taking a look at Rockefeller in 1906.  He was going to be brought to account and Standard Oil broken up because of anti-trust and monopolistic issues with reference to the Sherman Act of 1890.  Apparently, he vowed to bankrupt the USA. 

After the breakup and creation of 34 new oil companies, Rockefeller then funded schools, colleges and universities and paid for doctors to replace their homeopathic medicines and treatments for those made from the petrochemical industry.  Over the ensuing years, doctors got re-educated with the ‘Rockefeller Way’, homeopathy became ridiculed and big pharma was created.  This is one simple example how easy it is to change people’s minds.

Having experience COVID and the explosion of data surrounding global so-called healthcare, it is clear to see how, over a short period of time, one person can change historical thinking and replace it with a more profitable idea.

I’m not going to go into the historic origins of the hypocritic oath and symbolism surrounding health but suffice to say a little research will reveal the symbolism relating to the serpent entwined with the sword.  But what I am pointing out here is that a dramatic change has happen, simply by throwing money at people!

If you read and research the many volumes of the Talmud, you would read the abhorrent acts Zionist jews state are acceptable to inflict on the goyim, the gentiles, i.e., you and me.  Throughout the Bible, New Testament, Jesus refers to these jews as the Synagogue of Satan and for good reason.

Whilst there was a Millennial Kingdom, it was ruled by Jesus with an iron rod.  If everyone had submitted to Jesus at that time, there would have been no need for the iron rod!

This infers there were people who were opposed to Jesus during the millennial reign.  Once the millennial reign was complete, Satan was released from his prison and allowed to rule the earth again.  With his obedient helpers at the ready i.e., the Synagogue of Satan and the demons who were the one-third of angles cast out from heaven, Satan set about ‘rewriting history’ to establish a convincing narrative that Jesus had still not returned, then, in nearly 2000 years.

The end time prophecies would then be easy to execute to a willing and uninformed worldwide population using tools such as weather control, blue beam and other such technology.

It would not have taken that much time to recreate history and to get people to believe it.  All it took was to round up all those who were aware of the millennial kingdom and place them in mental asylums around the world.  Then take their children and redistribute them and create a new population growth combined with a re-education program.

Research Asylums and Orphan Trains of the late 1800’s.  

Dates Changed!!! J, i, replaced by 1, Therefore j750 is Depicted as 1750

As part of the worldwide – world rest, this intriguing concept of date changes suggests that historical dates have been altered, with the letter "J" or lowercase letter “i” and replacing them with the number "1," thereby obscuring the true chronology of history.

You must be thinking to yourself, you’ve got to be kidding me, who would make all this nonsense up and also go to all those lengths to trick or confuse everyone.  Perhaps the master of confusion?

The Implications of Date Changes

  • Historical Revisionism: The idea that dates were changed to obscure or alter the understanding of history has significant implications for how we interpret both secular and biblical history.
  • Reevaluating History: If such changes were made, it could lead to a re-evaluation of historical events and their significance within the biblical timeline.
  • Prophetic Implications: Understanding these changes could provide new insights into the fulfilment of biblical prophecy and the timing of eschatological events.

You have to admit, it does seem strange!

Camp of the Saints

The "Camp of the Saints" refers to the gathering of the faithful at the end of the millennium reign, as described in Revelation 20:9, where they face the final assault by Satan and his forces.

Here is a map of where the Camp of the Saints is supposed to be.


Those who believe we are in the Post Millennial era, believe this is the location where those who lived during the Millennial Reign moved to and are still there, awaiting the final war of Gog & Magog. 

Some say that the war is being prepared right now with the focus being on Russia and Ukraine, and that this is simply a smoke screen for Satan’s forces to gather in Northern Europe to attack the Camp of the Saints and God. 

The Final Battle

  • The Symbolism of the Camp: This camp represents the collective body of believers who remain faithful to Christ during the end times and lived during the Millennial Reign and are protected by God even as they face opposition.
  • The Defeat of Satan: According to Revelation, fire comes down from heaven to consume the attacking forces, leading to Satan’s final defeat, with him being finally thrown into the lake of fire and the ushering in of the new heaven and new earth.


The Biblical Timeline is a vast and complex framework that encompasses the entire scope of human history and prophetic events. From the creation of the world to the anticipated end times, understanding these key periods helps believers navigate the scriptures and anticipate the fulfilment of God’s promises. Whether interpreting the past or looking forward to the future, this timeline provides a crucial context for understanding the unfolding of God’s plan for humanity.

The next time someone tells you that the Bible is just a book written by man, show them this.  This is a graph of all the cross-references in the Bible.

  • A total of 63,779 cross-references.
  • If a man could write such an articulated book, he would be considered the best composer the world has ever known, a genius.
  • But the Bible was not written by a single man.
  • It was written by 40 men, most of whom never met.
  • It was written in 3 different languages.
  • In three different continents.
  • For a period of 1,500 years.
  • Without divine inspiration that is impossible.

The Bible is not just a book. There are 66 books that men wrote under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the living Word of God! Read it, study it and apply it!

What do you think.  Are we simply waiting for the tribulation and ‘mark of the beast’ as depicted in the movies? Or, if you read history, do you believe that’s already happened when Nero forced all those who followed him to take a mark that proved the Romans worshipped Nero, allowing them to buy and sell.  And those without it starved?

I don’t need to convince you as I am happy with how I understand and interpret the Bible.  My focus is to provide an alternative narrative and illustrations to support what makes me think this way.

If you are a born-again believer, then we are joined in Christ.  That’s good enough for me and if iron, sharpens iron, well then let’s crack on. 

Here is the link to the next article ’05 Understanding God’s Wrath’.