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Proof of God - Numerical Perfection

Over the past few months Liz and I watched a series of videos by Brandon Peterson from the USA who had analysed and researched the numerical anomalies ‘hidden’ within the Bible.  I say hidden, but they are in plain sight, they simply need to be identified, albeit with the help of a computer program that’s been available for some years. 

The tool Brandon uses to identify these numerical anomalies is a software package called Pure Bible Search, and is available at

As there is so much information in each of these videos, I have written accompanying articles as a summary for each of them.  Liz and I also recorded podcasts about the videos too.  Each of the articles and their respective links are below:

  1. Proof of God I - The Meaning of Sevens 777 
  2. Proof of God II – Why Jesus Instructed Us to Forgive 70 x 7 
  3. Proof of God III - Why The Bible is Specific About 153 Fishes   
  4. Proof of God IV – 666 The Mark of the Beast
  5. Proof of God V – How the Year 1611 is Revealed in the Bible

I want to reiterate an important aspect of being a believer.  God gave us brains and intellect.  He expects us to learn how to read and write.  Once this has been achieved, he expects us to read His word, learn it and live by it. 

The Bibles’ numerical perfection is simply how God exists.  As many people have been and can be dissuaded into believing all sorts of things about the Bible and its authenticity and veracity, therefore, there is this secondary layer of proof which is based upon its numerical perfection.  One simply needs to research it.

This is a link to my summary article about Proof of God: Mathematically Perfect Bible From Beginning to End 

This is the link to Brandon Peterson’s YouTube channel called Truth is Christ: