How Can Faith in God Help My Business
Business and faith don't mix, right? According to census statistics from 2011 there are 37m Christians in the UK and of those 14% are self-employed, i.e. 5.18m. Quite a large number!
So what's that got to do with anything? Well, the Bible says that God places the desires on our hearts and gives us the desire and power to please him (Philippians 2:13) Psalms 37:4 says 'Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your hearts desires'.
You might be thinking, "well, this Bible stuff is all well and good but how does it help or change anything?"
I've founded and run my own businesses since 1987 so I know a thing or two about what you or we have to go through on a daily basis. I've also lost everything and made it back, so you could say that I've had my ups and downs.
I became a Christian in 2009 and so I can now see how things could have been. Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
There are a few misconceptions we business people have when it comes to faith and Christianity, which are as follows:
- Money and Christianity don't mix
- Running a business isn't really 'Godly'
- Money is the root of all evil
- You can't be a great boss if you're a Christian
- Christianity is for wimps
- Christianity is not relevant
- God wouldn't want to get involved in our businesses!
You can probably guess where this is going!
I've found that most people are not interested in Christianity simply because no one has taken the time to explain it properly.
Preachers, Pastors and Ministers are just that! They're not business people. And because they have other things going on, they rarely if ever, take the time to connect with businesses - and sadly, if they do, there's always that thought in the back of everyone's mind that they're after your money.
Well here's the good news; God is interested! Think about this:
- We're expected to be here on this earth
- God planned for some people to run businesses and some to work for them
- Business leaders are crucial to God's plan
- God wants business people to be seriously successful
- God wants to help businesses grow, with no stress, and to be financially stable
- God wants us to place him at the centre of everything we do
It's not complicated and I should know; but there's a catch! You've got to get a handle on this 'faith' thing for it to start having an effect. Also, we're not all supposed to be evangelical preachers. As business people we can live and act as God intended by showing our staff who it is we really are and who we follow.
There are many elements to business, some good and some bad. Our job as Christians is to know how to combat the bad stuff and develop the good. That's why business and faith are inseparable.
Many of us in business get stuck when it comes to choosing A or B or most likely the situation that makes us say “what on earth and I supposed to do now!”.
In James 1:5, It says, if we lack wisdom, we can ask God and He will give it to us.
From my own experience it plays out like this; A problem arises and we have to deal with it. God does not create the problem, yet He instructs us to ask Him how to deal with it. This is not a bolt of lightning and a suitcase full of money appears.
We must have patience and faith. It's not an instant transactional process. It is supposed to take time. It may be that you need to experience certain things before you get to the point of not only dealing with ‘said’ problem but also the time/duration/thinking time enables you to live or work differently so that the situation does not happen again or perhaps it's an event that will lead to another series of events that completely changes your family, finances or business prospect.
The first step is asking for wisdom in the first place. Me, I speak out loud to God when I have a problem or I’m not sure what to do. I keep doing what I thought was right in the first place and as I keep doing what I thought was right I make directional decisions along the way that end up delivering the best outcome.
We have an opportunity to operate as extremely successful business people. We are Children of The Most High God. Do you think He would want us failing? Would you want your children failing - no! Therefore it is imperative you maintain a mindset of working in God’s Kingdom, bringing glory to Him and smashing the competition (but not literally :) ).
If you’re struggling in business, whilst there may be many reasons for this, we have developed a new business strategy and approach for B2B Tech, SaaS and Services organisations that could very quickly change the finances of your business. Access to our business website is free and without registration. You will see the main strategy is to adopt digital selling, i.e., moving away from one-to-one prospects to sales to a one-to-many strategy. It increases exposure and profitability and reduces costs. Definitely a Kingdom Principle.
My website is the outworking of me asking for wisdom over the past few years.
Here is the link to the salesXchange website - open a new window.