How Can I Get To Know God in Today's Society
There is no single definitive method to get to know God, but I want to give you an illustration to help guide you along the way.
When you first investigate Christianity, your path can take various forms and no two people's journeys are the same. But we think it's important for everyone to understand the stages so you know what to expect. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and we want to help prepare you for your journey so that you won't be mislead, put off, or miss out on what will be the most amazing experience of your life.
To begin with, we have identified seven main steps along with an explanation and suggested activities.
Reviewing the historical background to Christianity, understanding why there are different religions, piecing together and evaluating past information, either from school days, family or parents. It is important to get a firm understanding on the background before moving forward. Many people hang on to previous, possibly faulty, beliefs which may hold them back. We are all designed to use our intelligence to evaluate anything we are told or taught, therefore this stage is foundational.
- Watch the video with the same name on The Last Reformation, the full video is on the home page.
- Know Your Enemy Video Series on You Tube
- Ask questions Online
- Ask questions face-to-face over coffee
- General Question and Answer Sessions
Social Approach
Getting to know new people who you might be prepared to walk this new path with. Establishing trust, building friendships and generally expanding your social circle. Some people are very comfortable with this and many are not, which is why we want people to connect with the organisers who can act as 'sensitive introducers'.
- Meeting at coffee shops
- Connecting on Facebook or other social websites
- Attending music events, talks or seminars
- BBQs, restaurants, pubs, walks and so on
Not to be confused with the Social Stage. Fellowshipping happens when Christians meet and are prepared to share their experiences and the things affecting them. This is a time for prayer and testimony and is designed to help build up each other's faith.
Meeting mid-week either at a coffee shop or at someones house with the specific intention of discussing faith, praying for each other and sharing what God's power has been doing in each others lives.
As you become more familiar with Christianity, topics like Baptism will come up as well as you beginning to read the Bible, watch teaching videos and read other Christian related books.
The more you find out about Christianity, the more you start to understand where God is coming from. By reading the Bible you will realise how he speaks to you!
- Watch The Online Pioneer School series on The Last Reformation website - an amazing experience and eye-opener to genuinely following and living like Jesus
- Daily Devotional - See "365 Days with God - Bible Study Guide"
Once you have acquired all this new information and realisation of God's power in your life, you now know that you're able to release this power for the benefit of other people. As first you may be fairly quiet about it, but as your faith grows you'll understand why God made us they way he did.
- Praying for others
- Laying on hands and expecting people to be healed
- Worshipping and honouring God
- Understanding and engaging in Spiritual Warfare
This is an important stage in Christian development and we believe that you may well review what you're doing and how you do it now that you have been able to release the power of God in your life. Bible Scipture tells us that God has specific plans for us (Jer 29:11), but his guidance is so gentle, it's lighter than a feather, nevertheless, once we understand God's plan we may want to make some changes in our lives.
- Review Teachings & Scripture
- Prayer and Prophecies
- Planning Future
- Vision Boards
The Great Commission, as stated in the Bible is when followers of Jesus "Go" and make disciples of other people. This isn't expected to be a mass event, just one person at a time. All God expects us to do is to communicate His message to one other perosn at a time and then for them to do the same and so it continues.
- Lead someone to the top of this page #1 and walk with them to #7
- Watch The Online Pioneer School series on The Last Reformation website - Everything you will need to know about making disciples
In today's society, we're not as open and communicative as we used to be. Children are bought up within the confimes of their homes, Xbox and Playstation fill much of their free time and so not going out to play for hours on end has had an impact on the way we socialise.
This website was created on the back of both people not be as gregarious as they used to be and also for people who want to, or have become used to learning things online and therefore are prepared to look around and weigh up a variey of suggestions.
If you need any help or want to have a chat, just call :)