Why Does the Church Have a Problem with Money
The Church doesn't have a problem with you making money, it's when you chase and love it, more than giving it to them that's the issue! God knows we need it to exist on earth, but there is a catch! We're not supposed to depend on it, we're supposed to depend on God.
I know there is a fine line between the two, however, when looking at this subject and the church, it's typically the church who has the problem!
You may have heard the saying "money is the root of all evil", Well, that saying comes from the Bible and it actually says "the love of money is the root of all evil." (1 Timothy 6:10).
As we all know, people chase money, hoard it in banks and try to pass it on to children as an inheritance.
There is nothing wrong with this and in fact the Bible says we should pass on an inheritance to our children (Proverbs 13:22). So why is there so much confusion about money and Christians, i.e. that they're supposed to be poor!
Stinking Thinking
In a nutshell, it's because of some really bad press back in the Dark Ages, a misleading rumour by satan and a load of gossiping religious nuts who have created some seriously 'stinking thinking'.
Firstly, don't listen to them. Feeling guilty about money is a strategy designed to keep you feeling bad about as many things as possible.
Secondly, this life is not all about us. It is such a blessing to be wealthy and successful, but again, it says in the Bible that it is God who gives us the power to be wealthy. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
So it makes sense and it's good manners to honour God for blessing us. This translates as giving to God, to show Him that we acknowledge what he's done for us and also to demonstrate that whilst we have money, the money doesn't have us (this is where the root of all evil comes in to play).
Church Payment!
Some people make an offering to God on a weekly or monthly basis, and the mechanism man created to manage this process is called tithing and Church!
I can't tell you the number of times the church leaders will impress upon their congregation to give them money. They often preach on Malachai 3:10 and talk about filling the storehouses tso that God wil the floodgates and bless you abundantly.
However, Christians are supposed to honour God by giving up to 100% of their lives, not a percentage of their income. You don't need me to tell you that God is not short of a few quid, so he doesn't need your cash!
The Church has been taking money off people for centuries which is why they are worth billions and could end world poverty overnight, but guess what - they don’t. They tell congregations the money received is for the upkeep of their respective churches and supporting their local communities, the local poor and those who have fallen on hard times. Seriously! give me a break, first and foremost they need money for salaries, then the rent and electricity bills.
If they did help peple, once people are back on their feet and can then work, the cycle could continue. We both know this does not happen.
The Church would do well to practice what it is they’re supposed to be preaching. When they want money, they ask you. When YOU NEED money, they tell you to ask God!!!
You must understand the issue to do with life and money. We are in training for eternity. Once we understand that journey, then, what happens on earth is not as serious as it was first thought.
Jesus left us with His peace. To understand what His peace is really like, it's life changing. It’s not about money and possessions. There’s nothing wrong with have great wealth as long as great wealth does not have us!
People need to understand to rely on and trust God for their provision. Again, the Bible says, "Ask God and it will be given" (Matthew 7:7). If you don’t have, it’s because you don’t ask. Or you may not have asked for wisdom. Whichever the case is, the whole issue about money is to be in a position to acquire it, effortlessly and operate in His kingdom, with the Kingdom principles of helping and supporting those around you - not, I hasten to add, the Church!
Having been self employed since 1987, I can definitely say that I have chased money. But I thought that's what everyone did, don't they?
The devil wants us living in poverty and hankering after money! God wants us rich and living in abundance and hankering after Him. Or to put it another way, satan wants us dead and God wants us for eternity, so what will you choose?
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