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Proof of God I: The Most Important Podcast Ever! - Ep 06 Transcript

Published on
13 May, 2024
Nigel Maine - Founder
Nigel Maine
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Podcast Transcript

Nigel -

Welcome to our podcast. This is the Living in Faith podcast. I'm your host, Nigel Maine, and my co-host is Liz Maine.

Liz -


Nigel -

Welcome, welcome, welcome. Well, I've got to start with that because I'd seem to do that every week. This is going to be a spectacular, I think I feel I think this is going to be an absolutely spectacular and jaw dropping podcast. I would never say anything like that right at the beginning if it wasn't true. And having done quite a lot of podcasts and life shows, it, this is this is going to absolutely blow your mind before we start listening to you say prayer.

Nigel -

And and then we're going to get straight into this and you will you will have never heard anything like this before in your life.

Liz -

Hey, thank you, Lord, for bringing us together today. And thank you, Lord, You have given us the means by which we can reach people. Lord, we pray a blessing on those that are listening and a blessing on this today that as Nigel and I talk about what's been revealed to us this week, that it will not just inspire you, but will actually bring you closer to God and in your relationship with Jesus.

Liz -

So we just thank you, Lord, that you are with us and were two or more are you're there in our midst? In Jesus name, Amen. Amen.

Nigel -

Amen. So here we go. Here we go. Have to try and do this in a structured way because there's quite a lot and I never use this word unpack, but there's a lot to talk about here. And it is going to be I believe, if you're listening to this now, this will be the beginning of a massive, massive change in what you think and believe and listen to read and watch and everything else that goes with it.

Nigel -

This is something that I'm so, so grateful for. Who who, who revealed this. And I'm so, so furious at the church for not knowing it and not presenting it.

Liz -

And not teaching.

Nigel -

It and not teaching it. I'm absolutely, utterly disgusted. But but but that aside that aside, this is this is spectacular. And what it is about a week ago that there were some things that we we do watch a lot of stuff on YouTube and Liz saw this 253 fishes. And for those that don't know 153 fishes is a story at the end of John in the Bible after Jesus's resurrection and he's cooking fish on the shore and the fishermen are out there waiting to come in and he tells them where to drop their nets and catch they catch hundred and 53 fish.

Nigel -

And you think, Well, okay, is that it? It's not. We were told by a we listen to a sermon by this this is pastor type person who said that that because I didn't recognize who Jesus was, they were morons. He referred to the apostles as morons in a gathering of some six, seven, 800 young people at a church in Watford.

Nigel -

And this this is how he presented this this case 153 fish. Now we can get into something that is essential. So important. Let me let me kind of give you a bit of a preamble to it. And then then you have to kind of explain myself.

Liz -

You might want to grab a pen and a piece of paper because it's it's huge.

Nigel -

This is absolutely huge. Now, if you if you listen to this because you're you're interested in faith or whatever. And one of the things about faith is that there's no proof that that's pretty much how people say there's no proof. I don't believe in God. I'm not I'm not interested, not bothered in way. We always want proof. We want as much as we can get our hands on and we want the evidence we want and undeniable we want absolute cast iron when it comes to it.

Nigel -

Now we live in a very technical age, the knowledge age. We live in a in a in an environment where we've got some spectacular technology software and so on that can do anything. Yeah, you want to talk to it, you can talk to it and it'll print out what you've just said. You name it, the whole thing about activity and so on.

Nigel -

We know that it's spectacular. Now what, what we've seen, what we've got hold of now and what's been revealed in the past few months is the unequivocal absolute, undeniable proof of God in the Bible, in the in the Bible that we have the King James Bible, not the King James version. We can now officially stop calling a version because it is the original and it supersedes the Greek and the Hebrew.

Nigel -

It's in its existence. It is the perfect word of God. And you think, here we go. Some bloke just banging on about the Bible. Wait until I explain the numbering because if you're if you're an accountant, if you're a mathematician or anything like that, you will find this to be the most incredulous thing you've ever heard or seen.

Nigel -

And. And it's because of that. You've got to keep listening to this. So don't. Don't think I will go. Then you're going to wait until I start listing this stuff out. You're going to it's going to absolutely blow you away and I'm going to give you links. There's links in the description to the to the videos is links in the descriptions, to the diagrams.

Nigel -

If you if you know about Figma, there's figma diagrams which have got all the details in it. I'm doing a summary page on our website about it, how to kind of get to grips with this. But it is, it is absolutely spectacular. Now I need to put this into some kind of context. I'm the guy that we're referring to is a chap called Brandon Peterson and his his YouTube channel is called Truth in Christ.

Nigel -

And it did that. There were four and I'm saying there are four videos. The first one was in two parts, but there are four videos and they're all of them relate to number specific numbering and repetition and numbering and positioning and locations and everything within the Bible. So you could not even get a guy to do this, not even with a quantum computer.

Nigel -

You could not get a guy to write this in this structure of is an impossibility. So if we just kind of put some in some kind of context to this, the stuff that we've read and seen and understood so I thought for a long time I thought Bob was my mate, I'll manage written a Bible and people and just have like people said, yeah, man, you've written science books as well, so what do you want to believe?

Nigel -

But this whole thing about man, you know, man wrote him. And then you have people that have told us and we understood it because the church told us that back in 300 A.D., give or take a few years and the Council of Nicaea decided that was the church which later became called the Catholic Church. The Council of Nicaea decided which books were going to be included in the canon, as in the structure of the Bible.

Nigel -

And I said, we can do a bit to put the Gospel of Bartholomew. We're not going to put in the Book of Enoch, we're not going to do this, we're not going to do that. We're going to choose. And now at some stage, some somebody chose to just chuck some paragraph, numbers and chapters in and so on and so on.

Liz -

The back of a horse.

Nigel -

Or sitting in on the back of a horse. Apparently. What a load of crap. So we now have this, this book, the early, earliest book that we can, all of us get hold of is the King James, and it's called the King James Version. Okay, fair enough. And so when we first became believers, we didn't use the King James version because we were too.

Nigel -

it's a bit difficult to read.

Liz -

But that's what you were like, I can't go on with these. These and and whatever.

Nigel -

We posted it, we put up, which is why we got the unless we got near naughty, the amplified we got, we looked at the Navy, the ESV, the message we got toto get the message.

Liz -

Is that this is too busy to.

Nigel -

Read and got a copy of the new King James because I was I just thought well the other one's just an old version.

Liz -

And they amplified.

Nigel -

All the you not mention that much, but the but the King James version was just old English, kind of either Shakespearean. It's like, well, I did Taming of the Shrew when I was at school. What could be possible to do? I didn't want to read it. I wanted to read something that was a modern explanation of it, because these are just versions, aren't they?

Nigel -

Written by people? And what what people say is the the Bible was inspired by God and he says that. And Peter, I can't remember which which part. And Peter says, but it's all Bible is is inspired by God. You go, okay, fair enough. I've got probably that. And so then we got to this this, this point of of looking and reading different Bibles, not quite knowing why, not quite knowing why these different Bibles existed.

Nigel -

And then friend of ours said, have a look at this. And it was called New it New Age Bible versions. And it was by this woman called Gail Replica and we read it was like six, 700 pages pick pick up book.

Liz -

Yeah. There was a lot of biblical references which made it quite deep, you know, because it was cross referencing all the different Bible versions. And then what certain Bible versions said, you know what the NIV said versus the adult in these. So there was a lot of comparison between what words had been added and what words had been taken away.

Liz -

So yeah, it was quite a hefty book.

Nigel -

And after after reading it, and.

Liz -

I think it was written in the eighties actually, because I saw the brief on YouTube, I saw a brief interview. She was being interviewed by a pastor or pastor and his wife and yeah, on what, you know, like televangelist. Yeah. And she was being interviewed and they were a bit sort of we're like, okay. They were a bit surprised.

Nigel -

They were surprised if I remember rightly so. They were surprised. And afterwards he came to believer. Whereas the rest of the fraternity I'm from the States, absolutely lambasted her. Yeah. Said she's wrong. She's wrong, she's wrong, she's wrong, she's wrong. And and of course I was reading it thinking.

Liz -

Well, I.

Nigel -

You know, I can't I can't really see why she's wrong. And so so we're reading this stuff, We look at this stuff like, I can't I can't see why she's wrong. I don't get this. And I just wanted to. Pitchfork Carol, I just want to check the old level here to make sure that, that I mean, that should be okay.

Nigel -

I think that should be fine. Okay. So, so she was absolutely lambasted for that. And and I thought, well, I thought, well, why did she write it? What compelled you to write it? Well, she was ill. She was light up in hospital, in a hospital bed and couldn't get out of bed. So she and she was compelled to do this like what I call a setting that that makes sense.

Nigel -

But I couldn't find any fault. We couldn't find any fault. And and we were writing this stuff and it was like there's that. There was a I'll come onto this if I kind of get it into the right context. But there's a part in Mark where.

Liz -

It's the last chapter of Mark is 9 to 11, about 9 to 21.

Nigel -

I think it's something that and it says it's to do with Peter and he's talking to the to the to the eunuch, isn't it?

Liz -

Now, now it's the last bit of mark where Jesus gives the disciples the commission. And in fact, let me read out to you because a lot of these Bible version, in fact a lot of them and I can't say which ones precisely, but it's the last chapter of Mark, which is in chapter 16. And then and it's this is where Jesus first appears after the resurrection.

Liz -

So if I just read out to you and this I'm reading this out of the King James now when you so some of the Bible versions say they've finished on this verse was and they went out quickly and fled from the sepulcher for they trembled and were amazed. Neither said they anything to any man for they were afraid.

Liz -

Yeah. Now a lot of virgins stop though. And it says and then it will give you a caveat and then say some earlier translations omit these last verses which are the last. So it's verses 9 to 20 omits these verses. But these are this is why I don't know what doesn't make sense to me. But anyway, so it says know when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out whom he had cast Seven Devils, and she went and told them that had been with him as they mourned and wept.

Liz -

And they, when they had heard that he was alive and had seen of her, believed not after that he appeared in another form and to two of them as they walked and went into the country and they went and told it unto the rest of you, neither believe them, they them. So they must have been on a road to a messiah.

Liz -

Afterward, he appeared unto the 11 as they sat at meet and operated them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not them, which had seen him after he was risen. And he said unto them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature here. That believer sin is baptized shall be saved. But he that believe is not shall be damned, and this sign shall follow them.

Liz -

Believe in my name. Shall they cast out devils? They shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents. And if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt. Then they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. So then, after the Lord had spoken unto them, He was received up into heaven and set on the right hand of God.

Liz -

And they went forth and preached everywhere. The Lord working with them and confirming the word with the signs following. Amen.

Nigel -

Amen. So now I might just get to the this, this particular one. Now that the thing about this, the bit that they omit, one of the things that that we're looking at here is because if they are met, that remark, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to find it here because there's so much information here by omitting it when it was said, by omitting it, it reduces the mentions of a certain number of chapters 2666.

Liz -

It's the Gospels. I think the number of chapters.

Nigel -

Number and number of chapters in the gospel, it reduce it to six, six, six. Yeah. So, so going back to kind of the main crux of this story, So there are lots of things that I think it was 60, 66 something thousand words have been omitted from the from from the Bibles, from the King James to the other Bibles.

Nigel -

Why? I'm going to come on to this specific reason why in a second. So why would that happen? So and why would she get what would go repeating to get so much stick for revealing the the these new versions could be taking one just some suggestions didn't want a woman to preach didn't want a woman to tell them what to do.

Nigel -

The other two part, the other two ones. This is it's not it's not that this is difficult. It's just it's just not knowing where to start because this is so easy, so big. Okay. Let me let me just have a kind of a bit of a stab at this. A darker reason is the King James is extremely supernatural.

Nigel -

And the reason it's supernatural is that the number of words that are used, whether it's Jesus and Christ, just take that as an example. The word Jesus and Christ is mentioned. 77 777 plus 777 times in the Bible. Did you get that Jesus plus the word Christ is mentioned seven, seven, seven plus seven, seven, seven. And it's going to stem from there and you're going to hear what this or that, how all this connects together and you will not believe your ears.

Nigel -

So that the construct of the Bible is so complex and so perfect. And the way that it's been constructed is that you can keep revealing God every single step of the way, going through the Bible forwards and forwards and backwards and dividing it up and odds and evens and so on. It is so just absolute breathtaking. So when someone says our the Bible, you could choose your version.

Nigel -

Now you can't choose your version. Now is the time to put the other versions in the dustbin.

Liz -

Like we did. We put the message in.

Nigel -

But the message.

Liz -

Didn't even take it to the charity shop.

Nigel -

It wouldn't we wouldn't we wouldn't put that on someone. And so the thing is, if you remove one word from it, you remove the mathematical perfection of it, because it's all seven times seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven plus seven, seven, seven, 70 times 70 in parentheses, eight times. I mean, it's just inside out, back to front, you name it.

Nigel -

You cannot get away from. It is mathematical perfection. And I'm going to read some of these out to you in a minute. So the thing is, is that what so so if we look at the Bible, what we thought believed so some 2000 years ago, they started writing stuff about prior to that there was the the scripture, the Old Testament.

Nigel -

Then there was a four year hiatus and then they then Jesus arrives. And that's when they started writing about Jesus. And so we have been told that the Bible has been made up of lots of fragments of paper and papyrus sheets and notes and this and that and the other from all over, all in all over kind of antiquity, you know, that and that, that, that area.

Nigel -

So if you do your research, you'll see that they reckon that something like there were 5000 or so manuscripts that they were able to cobble together in Antioch, which Turkey, and that the other area was Alexandria in Egypt and there was something like 100 or so manuscripts that were cobbled together, found in Egypt. Yeah. Okay, fine. Good. So in about 98, it was about 45, what I think is 46, 90, 46, they discovered by a shepherd throwing a stone up into a cave and heard a very strange.

Liz -

Noise about 400 feet up. This cave was.

Nigel -

Near the Qumran caves, which is east on the same kind of latitude as as Jerusalem on the Dead Sea. They called the Dead Sea Scrolls. Lo and behold, they find all these scrolls that support what was said in the Alexandrian texts, not the Antioch texts, and what was made out of that. And as a result, that information supported the ultimate production of the Navy and other and other other Bibles.

Nigel -

But you had people like Westcott and Holt, who were 1899 up to 9999, 1901 or whatever, that round about that time down the century. And they had they were the translators, early translators. But translating their own version of the Bible, which later became the NIV. So you've got these people that are using these certain texts and then we get told that there are lots of different versions.

Nigel -

And I look, I didn't I didn't count them. I should have counted them. But if you go to Bible versions on Wikipedia, it shows you the list. There are multiple different lists. There must be 60, 50, 60 different Bible.

Liz -

Versions easily, I would say.

Nigel -

Now, why so many versions? Well, you know. No, I don't. Well, I do know. I do know why, Because if you if you the NIV, for example, talks about the one in regularity. But as soon as you take out one mention of the word of Jesus, out of that, out of the King James Bible, and translate it as something else, the powers gone to mathematical perfection is gone.

Nigel -

Take the word got out of it once. Call it the one, call it him, Call it the one where anything you are erasing the mathematical perfection of the King James Bible.

Liz -

And what you're doing is you're actually opening up the way because I think I seem to remember this from the girl repelling a book. I think it may have been here and that you you refer to Jesus or God as the one which obviously is a new age description of a deity of heaven. So you actually remove the divinity of God and just call him the one which kind of opens the way to this one world religion and and which is which is actually one of the in my opinion.

Liz -

And although this wasn't mentioned in any of the things we've watched this week, but it opens the way, say, for this one world religion that you know, where there's just there's multiple routes to God.

Nigel -

Yeah. You know Oprah Winfrey is anyway there's absolutely.

Liz -

No I.

Nigel -

Mean it's.

Liz -

Just you know new age and it's to usher in this.

Nigel -

But it's.

Liz -

World religion.

Nigel -

But it's all about deception and the heart. Every single thing is about deception. And the thing is, is that we've got this we've got this Bible. And I'm going to I'm going to go through some stuff in a second. But at the end of the kind of that the second part of what I want to talk about is the timeline.

Nigel -

I do not believe that the King James Bible was an amalgamation of scraps of piece of paper and scraps of manuscripts, 2000 years old that was knocked out and created by a bunch of pagan, just heretics called the Catholic Church back in 300 absolute impossibility for man in not ten and not even now could man create something like this with the complex numerical complexity and illustration of everything that is there, it is an impossibility.

Nigel -

And there there is a I believe there is a reason why it's being revealed now and not before, because you couldn't do it. I mean, even Palin was a Russian believer and he he recognized the sequencing of sevens and said that the likelihood of being able to have every because every every word sorry, every character, every letter in Greek and in Hebrew has a numerical number attributed to it, which means that you can within Matthew and so on, you can divide every paragraph by seven.

Nigel -

It adds up to seven and divide it by seven. So the visibility of the every single thing within the Bible, in the Hebrew, Hebrew and Greek was divisible by seven, but he didn't take it to this level that we're at now. We come back to commit to it, come back to that or come into it in a minute so that we're not just we're not talking about numerology, we're not talking about playing with numbers.

Nigel -

It's it's it's it's deeper than that and probably deeper than I could have ever imagined. So so kind of getting back to these things. And I wanted to I want to read these out to you. And it should it should blow your mind. The YouTube channel is called Truth in Christ. The links will be down in the description.

Nigel -

The the first part was called seven. And as in number seven seven, Jesus plus Christ. Seven, seven, seven +777 mentions in the King Jones. King James Bible. The King James Bible is not a version. It is the Bible. And let me just start reading out this list. You have to kind of be ready for this. So the first mention of Jesus is in Matthew one one and it's the seventh word.

Nigel -

So it starts off the Book of the Generation of Jesus. Jesus is the seventh word. So that's the first book of the New Testament. The first book, the first chapter of the New Testament. The last book, Last chapter, Last words Count seven words from the last last word of the Bible is Jesus. So seven and seven and seven backwards.

Nigel -

And the last seven words are Jesus Christ, be with you all. Amen. Okay, let's move on. So Jesus is 77 generations from God in Genesis. So the first word or the number of the first word in the New Testament is word number 610,282 or 282/282 word. In total, there are 790,849 words in the Bible. That word, the first word in the New Testament is 77%, exactly 77% in or 70%, 77%, 77% of the Bible is the first word of the New Testament.

Nigel -

So that is the first and last books of the Bible. Seven is mentioned 77 times. So that's Genesis and Revelation. The last word in the Bible. Amen is mentioned 77 times the first chapter of the Bible. God speaks directly. And as he did this, he said that answer 343 times, which is seven times, seven times seven. The first chapter of the Bible every 77th letter spells the word seven.

Nigel -

So if you took all the spaces out, every 77th letter spells the word seven in the first verse of the Bible. In the beginning, God created seven characters. Seven characters, seven characters. D spells out God. The author Genesis Moses is mentioned 77 times the New Testament, and the first mention is the 77th word of Matthew in Chapter eight, After God created the World, He rested on the Sabbath.

Nigel -

The first mention of in the New Testament is of the word. Sabbath is the 77th mentioned in the Bible. Psalm 92 is the Sabbath. Psalm. It's the seventh mention of thy work. The word the two words most high mentioned seven times, seven word of God, seven times seven. The word Old Testament. A New Testament is mentioned seven times.

Nigel -

There are 3927 verses that happened before Numbers 777. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 29 books in the New Testament. I just said 3927, which precede numbers in numbers 70 7777. It contains the 77th mention of the word sacrifice. The only mention of 777 is in Genesis 531, which Islamically lived until was 77 years old.

Nigel -

But in Genesis 7531, there were 777 words. In Acts. Acts seven seven is the middle verse of the Testament of the New Testament. The 777th chapter in the Bible says, Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me? Godhead is mentioned in three verses, which is Acts seven 7029 Romans one and Colossians two seven.

Nigel -

Each of those verses, those three verses equate to 77 words. Jehovah is mentioned seven times, word is mentioned seven times, Holy Spirit is mentioned seven times. The Father plus the word plus Holy Spirit is mentioned 777 times the Spirit plus the word water plus the blood is mentioned 770 times. Now two more witnesses. So you've got five witnesses, the Father, the Word, the Holy Ghost water and the blood.

Nigel -

So that's seven, seven, seven plus seven, seven. So you got five lots of sevens, which is the father word, spirit, blood and water. The first mention of Lord in the New Testament is word is the 777th time. The word is mentioned in the chapter of Matthew the seventh. The 777th mention of Jesus is in two Corinthians 1314.

Nigel -

The Holy Ghost is mentioned seven times in the same chapter and the same verse. Jesus is mentioned 980 times, which is in in brackets, 70 plus seven times seven son plus God is mentioned 1777 verses Jesus plus the Lord is mentioned in 77 verses the 77th mention of Jesus is when He is revealed as the Son of God says, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God and Jesus.

Nigel -

And He says, And Jesus. So you've got this Thou in the sentences, Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God and Jesus. And it was going to say, between Christ and Jesus, this seven characters, seven words, the 77th mention of Christ is revealed as Lord of all the Jews and Gentiles is ten 1036. And the 77th mention of Jesus Christ is in Galatians one two this.

Nigel -

So the first one begot Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ. Yeah, the it's the first time was revealed by the Father to Peter, Jesus being the Son of God. The next 77th time was Christ being revealed by the Holy Ghost to Peter and the third time that Jesus and Christ was revealed by Jesus Christ to Paul about the Gospel of Grace.

Nigel -

So Jesus plus Christ Jesus is mentioned 980 times and Christ is mentioned 570 times as those two together. And it becomes seven, seven, seven plus seven, seven, seven. Jesus Christ is mentioned in, in Revelation seven times nine is a thing called a I don't notice attainable triangular number. If you got one plus two plus three plus four.

Liz -

Pyramid number two, triangle and triangle, triangular number.

Nigel -

So T 77. So one plus two plus three plus 4%. Right the way up to plus 75 plus 76 plus 77 is 3003. Verse 3003 is John 327 and it is a man can receive nothing except it be given from heaven. Beloved son is mentioned seven times. His love is mentioned seven times. Love is mentioned seven times. And it says love and Christ is mentioned in 77 777 verses.

Liz -

Now in seventies times seven. Have you written that down?

Nigel -

I haven't. I haven't even. Well the thing is about.

Liz -

Just pretty much scratch the surface. Definitely.

Nigel -

Well, the thing is the number the next part of this is that there to the that was just seven that was the first one the this part two and that was about 15 minutes or something. And then the second part is about 15 and 1920 minutes. Then there's 153 fishes. You have to you have if you're a believer, you have absolutely no choice.

Nigel -

I am commanding. I'm instructing you to go and look at to watch these. So if you want to if you if you went to you got a spreadsheet and you started at seven, seven, seven in the first top left hand corner of your spreadsheet and dragged it down, it would go back to, you know, from from seven, seven, seven down to one if you counted back.

Liz -

If you go from one.

Nigel -

Now, don't count back from seven, seven, seven.

Liz -


Nigel -

153 times. It brings you back to Jesus.

Liz -


Nigel -

Six, not mentioned 625 times in the Bible. It's it can't you it is unfathomable because because of being told by so many people pick your version do you want cheese on your Christmas what you want so what you want salt and vinegar. I mean that's how it's been presented there. Crisps, picking flavors and making difference. And it's now it's like I can't believe, not now.

Nigel -

I can't believe because that the point is, is they want to deceive.

Liz -

I think the bit that we we we found most you know, we watched this video and I saw it just like we're kind of interested in not hundred and 53 fishes because it's always kind of piqued my interest. It seems very precise. Well, there's a reason for it being very precise, because if you watch the videos and we can't you know, we can tell you these things, but we can't completely do it justice.

Liz -

You really have to watch it for yourself because and we've watched the one with over 153 fishes. We've watched it twice and the 70 times seven, because there's so much information in it and so much that is you we just threw out all of these videos. We just sat there like looking at one another just without just with our mouths open and just like.

Nigel -

I've got shock. Let me just write these ones out. 153 So as as you may be aware, the story Jesus has been He's been crucified, died, died, raised is come is come back. He's there on the shore and he's cooking fish and he says to them, Drop your net on the other side. They go, This is my you know, we've been out fishing all night.

Nigel -

We know what we're doing. I'm telling you, just drop it on the other side. They've gone. Okay? And they put in 153 fishes. And that's the time when when Jesus is talking to Peter, he says, Do you love me? Yes. Faith, Teach my sheep fate, build my church, my lambs.

Liz -


Nigel -

And so. But says three times. And bearing in mind that Peter denied it three times and so Jesus got him to undo it as how I said he got him to undo it because he got death in life in another tongue. Peter had done something that he shouldn't have done, and he got it undone. So, so. So the point is, is that it wasn't a racket.

Nigel -

Absolutely wasn't a random number. So if you look in the book of Mark and Luke James, John Simon or Simon, Peter are mentioned in 153 verses in the Bible in the Book of John the Disciples, Peter Thomas, Nathaniel James and John are mentioned 153 times in the Gospels, the first three names mentioned in the Gospel. Simon Patron Thomas as mentioned 45 times, which is 15 times 3153 together.

Nigel -

There they are mentioned 153 times the triangular tiered calculation. One plus two plus three plus four down to 17 is 153. The perimeter of the calculation of that is 48. The remaining names of the fisherman, as in did Nathaniel James and John, who were also in the in the in the boat I mentioned 48 times. Peter is credited as being a fisher of Jews.

Nigel -

He's mentioned 153 verses. Paul is credited as being fisher of the Gentiles. He's mentioned in 153 verses the words Fish and Men is mentioned 153 times in the Gospels. It's like.

Liz -

and they're also mentioned, Peter and Paul and mentioned in the hundred and 53rd verse of the New Testament is not right.

Nigel -

I think yeah.

Nigel -

It's just this is kind of is kind of a point where it's not it's not that it's too much. It's just it's just so much. And if everybody wants to wants this kind of proof that that, you know, it's the word of God. And if people talk about it, it's a virgin, isn't it? It's written by man. And so if you are a believer either all in or on the periphery, you have got to watch these videos because the point is, is that we we spoke we've been talking about this all week.

Liz -

We even bought two.

Nigel -

We've got two new to two new.

Liz -

Bibles, two new King James Bibles.

Nigel -

But the thing is, is that we've been talking about this, that we are at one church and this, this, this that the wife of the pastor got up with. She was doing a talk because she went she weren't preaching and she said, this she she was waving a Bible or a Bible around you must read. This is a really good book, we think.

Nigel -

And you didn't just say that, did you? And we're looking at this and thinking, what are these churches doing? And we've come to the conclusion that what they're doing is they are agents of the enemy to put people off understanding the truth and knowing the truth.

Liz -

To leading people astray.

Nigel -

Early that at 100% because if you having read this and looked at this and you think, wait a second, once you get this on the inside, because the thing is, there is so much there are so many so things like free just just one of the things on 70 times seven the the structure of the Bible so some church of guys down and countless they're supposed knocked this up and put it together absolute rubbish as we've been told the book of Mark was written first.

Nigel -

It was the oldest. The oldest book of the gospel. Yeah. Okay, fine. Whatever. It doesn't make any difference if it was the oldest one to put it first, wasn't to put it last. Okay. So you case what order they put in. This is irrelevant really isn't it. Just New Testament. New Testament group, those ones together. Because they just talked about Jesus.

Nigel -

That's fine. That's why not. Why not be as flippant about it as that doesn't it doesn't make any deal big. Any big deal, because some bunch of Catholic heretics were sitting there who chose to put it in a in a certain order. So what difference does it make? You're better than me. However, when you add up the when you if you take the old you start with the Avon and take the Avon books of the gospel and add up the number of words and then take the odd number of the books of the gospel and add up the words, they equally have the exact same number of mentions of Jesus in both of them.

Nigel -

Yet the sort of got more rev more that the even number has got more words in it, like.

Liz -

Two thirds in the third as some say.

Nigel -

Yeah, yeah you, you couldn't, you couldn't.

Liz -

Couldn't, couldn't.

Nigel -

Come up with these, with, with anything like this is an impossibility. And when you when you see that you've got you know, you've got the first one which is just the deity of God and, and the seven, seven, seven and a frequency of mentions and backwards and forwards calculations and then we've said, well 70 times seven is really the next one.

Nigel -

And one after that 153. And the final one is six, six, six and it explains about six, six, six and that and the guy's done some, some fantastic, some brilliant illustrations and they're free to download and he just wants you to read it. You got to understand what this is about. And I think that the the significance of this is that if you are going to church and you're being told you can read anything you like from the message to whether whether you believe it or not, it's irrelevant really, or even if they, you know, Baptist church, they chuckled.

Nigel -

And if you you know that this these organizations are not serious. And I absolutely mean that because, you know, we went to a Baptist church and it was we went but some guy I don't remember who was now, but he was I said, So you got baptized everything else because we've this is when we were really kind of enthusiastic about everything, even.

Nigel -

no, no, no, no. I don't need to get baptized. We came away thinking this is like one of the most well-known popular Baptist churches in the world. And you got these people cannot. I need to get baptized. Has rubbish. You've been going along? yeah. About six, seven years or ten years or something, whatever. But the thing is, is that they're handing out knives, not the knife is probably the most heretical one apart from the message.

Nigel -

But it's that that's, that's the one that mentions the one. So it's like, why are you giving these out? So when you start looking at this and you realize, wait a second, these churches are are, I would say, leading people astray, leading them down a path to make them think they don't you don't have to repent. You don't have to get baptized.

Nigel -

You don't need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It's not necessary. You can do what thou wilt. And so it becomes a point. Where should you be? At church? Because every individual in the world is responsible for their own salvation. So if you individually responsible for your own salvation is up to you what you do. Now, it mentions in James, you know about about faith and it says about I'll show you my faith through my works.

Nigel -

But works aren't about what the what the Catholic Church talks about works. We're talking about what do you do as a believer? How do you live as a believer? What's the outward kind of illustration of you living as a believer? I mean, for example, this doing this podcast, this is our works. We're doing something. We're doing something that we absolutely believe in, but we're not we're not out there.

Liz -

Preaching on the.

Nigel -

Street, preaching on the streets or waving Bibles around the street on a street corner, because this is, you know, we absolutely believe what we see and read and believe that's it. And we're telling people about it and we share it. So you got to go and say this because it would I'm absolutely it would stop you in your tracks and you would go, I'm not going back to that church.

Nigel -

You've got to be kidding me.

Liz -

I mean, I think what astounded us about this, you know, that nothing in the world is an accident. Everything is, you know, it's all supernatural in the King James. And you if you read it and just take it at face value and don't look at and you know, it's all it's all an account. You know what God said, what Jesus said, what happened.

Liz -

And, you know, if you read as an account rather than just as a story, I.

Nigel -

Think accounts are far better.

Liz -

Words. We were talking about that this morning. But he this this guy talked about 70 times seven because we didn't really talk about that. And and I really, really don't just encourage you earlier you got to look at these these videos because they just boggle the brain and but 70 times seven where and I think as I've written down Matthew 1822 here and where Peter says to two, Jesus, how often should I, you know and forgive my brother seven times.

Liz -

And he says, no, seven times. Seven, I think four more. That's a lot, you know, And you multiply out that's 490. But the significance of that, the numerical significance of that, I made two notes, but this was loads in the first seven books of and of the New Testament. I believe it's in the New Testament. Jesus Plus Christ is mentioned seven times, seven plus seven times, seven times in the books in the New Testament.

Liz -

Jesus is mentioned seven times, seven in the even books in the New Testament. Jesus is mentioned seven times seven further plus forgiveness is mentioned 70 times seven. Sin plus forgiven is mentioned 70 times seven.

Nigel -

So and.

Liz -

You can see a picture that you might.

Nigel -

Just add in the father plus son 70 times seven God plus father 70 plus seven, God 70 times seven. Sorry, father of son 70 times seven. God plus father 70 times seven. Father plus son seven times seven times seven God 70 times seven. Jesus plus Christ is 70 times seven plus 70 times of which you just said the halfway mentions of Jesus is 70 times seven.

Nigel -

Peter plus seven plus Jesus is 70 times seven. Peter plus four Give plus 70 plus seven is 70 times seven brother plus four give. Did you mention. Yeah.

Liz -

Plus the first week of seven. Two times seven.

Nigel -

It's the, the 70th verse Jesus plus Christ the 70th verse 70 times seven. This came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem saying so just, I mean, how anybody can not be just.

Liz -


Nigel -

Just, just to see this is because the thing is, is this is really serious. And that the way that with our our kind of journey we're looking at this from a from a not not just that's amazing. In terms of the book, what I'm kind of what I'm saying in terms of how I see things is that I don't believe the timeline that we've been given.

Nigel -

And there's lots of people, people, people in the church believe that we're coming up towards end times. And with that, as you if you're a believer, you understand if you're not, it's a long story, but it's that it's when you we have the wrath of Satan, wrath of God, and lots of bad things happen to people. And then there's Armageddon, big battle and then there's judgment.

Nigel -

That's what people believe. But it doesn't stop there. And there's more. Now, the thing about this is that very little is ever talked about what happens afterwards. It's just, it's going to be awful. We're waiting for this to happen. We wait for that to happen. And so on Our mark of the beast always that is that Elon Musk?

Nigel -

Is it is it the World Economic Forum looking to put chips in hands and stuff like that? Well, actually, I don't think so. I think it's all happened because if you look at history, you realize that the mark of the beast was actually issued by Nero at the time to give people who believed in him as in Nero, a cart or a mark to sell papal papers or whatever.

Nigel -

Mark that said, you can go and buy you can go and buy food because you believe that Nero is your lord. So if you didn't, you didn't. And even there's a I don't know if you've heard of this. There's a guy called a guy, a historian called Josephus and another Uncle Tacitus. And both of them have stated in their books and their writings that they saw armies coming in on the clouds.

Nigel -

Now, there's a there's a very unusual and growing.

Liz -


Nigel -

Movement that many, many, many people believe that the second coming of Christ has happened and what followed, the second coming of Christ, which was the millennial reign at the minute millennial kingdom and those that died in Christ who knew Christ ruled with Jesus during that thousand years. Now Satan, what if Satan and his two cohorts, the false prophet and the Antichrist, those two were thrown into the lake of fire, but Satan was put into a pit and he remained there for a thousand years whilst Jesus reigned in the millennial kingdom with with those that had died in Christ, those that knew Christ died, who who knew Christ and died in Christ or were alive when

Nigel -

Jesus came back. They ruled for a thousand years with him. Okay. Now, at the end of that period of time, the Saints were supposed to have gone to a certain area. Some people believe it's north towards the North Pole.

Liz -

No camp at the same time.

Nigel -

To the Saints. Yep. And it's below the throne now. Those that died not knowing Christ beforehand and who had not heard the gospel were to be made alive. They sold to it. Well. Well, there's a resurrection. There's. There's a word about resurrection. But. But yet are to inhabit be resurrected after the thousand years happens to be when Satan comes back.

Nigel -

So those that had died just I just thought of something those that died that hadn't heard the gospel now have the opportunity to hear the gospel. But you still will have to understand, hear the gospel and choose the gospel and choose evil. That's why Satan has been allowed back out for 250 years. And the reason I say 250 years is that it says that Satan will be released for a little season.

Nigel -

There are four seasons, a little season based upon the thousand year reign would be 250 years. Now, stay with me. During this millennial kingdom, it is believed, and there seems to be so much evidence for this about cathedrals. Now, if you look at three cathedrals, we have all been told that the cathedrals, what built in the Middle Ages in 1149, 1200 blah, blah, blah, these amazing two, three, four, 300 foot high buildings were built by masons who are actually traveling around on horse and cart pour as you like.

Nigel -

And so if you imagine if you imagine if you look at what happened in Notre Dame and you look at the scaffolding that was required to just repair the roof, are you kidding me? 12 1282 1200 A.D. And you think that they're going to build scaffolding like that to be slapping up all that stone and so on? No way.

Nigel -

Absolutely no way. Horse cars and donkeys? No. The other part was and you get to in from where you got mud paths. There are places in South America where they've got these amazing, amazing.

Liz -

Where are the quarries?

Nigel -

Where where the quarries and where is that? Where Are the roads to be to be transporting enormous amounts of stone to get to them. And the best examples of this are in South America where you've got these amazing, amazing buildings, no roads, just middle of nowhere. So there is so much supporting evidence that shows that the that the millennial kingdom could has happened because you've also got stuff, forts you've got people have talked about well, I don't know if you've heard Titania or Tata Aria and people have a problem with that because Tartarus is supposed to be hell.

Nigel -

But then who called it Tata Maria or Tartarus or a synonym or whatever you want to call it, of that. Now, if Satan's been released or the fact that it's been released for for a little season, of course he's going to rename it, rename the Millennial Kingdom Taurus or Tata Tata area.

Liz -

So all the Dark ages.

Nigel -

you've got dark ages and met met evil medieval times. And so the as the the the kind of the explanation goes the time after the millennial kingdom when Satan's released, that's when Satan changed the dates. So now we have a period of time in which a great deal of false information has been created. There are coins and numbering and information that's out there that shows JS instead of a new numerical one.

Nigel -

And so it's Yara and the Year of Our Lord or Yeah, who, Jesus, Jesus and so on, because one is a one and it's got a like a, like a, a, a serif on it just on one side at the top. Right when we see a capital, you know, a Roman numeral one or a time driven one, whereas if you look at the numbers that you've got on certain pennies and so on, you've got an eye.

Nigel -

So, so we've got this situation of, of buildings Starfleet's, Starfleet, if you look in, if you do a Google and look up star forts, there are star forts in the lowlands. So in mythic borderlands like Holland and.

Liz -

You know, it's a low country.

Nigel -

Low country. So you got Holland and Belgium and so on and, and around Europe, lots of Starfleet and your staff forts in South America, North America. You think, well, what's the relevance of that? Well, the star fort in the in Europe was supposed to have been built 1500 give or take there or thereabouts so that they get over there.

Nigel -

If all Columbus hasn't slept over there yet, he's not been there yet. But they go star forts. So we as a society, as humanity, we have been lied to massively. Now, now the thing is, you look at government and press. Now it's not nobody's surprised about being lied to by them, by them to us right now. So why wouldn't this have happened in earlier times?

Liz -

Well, I mean, the speculation is that Satan's little season started around towards the end of the what we know is of the 18th century. So around 17, maybe from 1750, 1770, around actually one is a date is around the and the American War of Independence 1776. Yeah, the Declaration of Independence. Yeah. And that's on the Statue of Liberty, 1776, July the fourth.

Liz -

And the signifier of the Statue of Liberty is there's a painting and I don't know who it's by, but there's a painting of Lucifer beckoning a hole and beckoning.

Nigel -

Calling is calling these armies.

Liz -

And the features look exactly like those on the Statue of Liberty.

Nigel -

Well, the most recent picture I saw of that because the feature the same. But if you look at the fate of the Statue of Liberty, the chains are broken. Yep. And so now Satan's also called a light. A bear of light. Yeah.

Liz -

Light bearer.

Nigel -

And it's holding up a beacon of light. Yeah. And the this despite the spikes, the headdress that it's got on. Yeah. Is the same as the a depict oceans of Mithra Mithras which is Satan ball which is in Middle Eastern mythology. But that's, that's what it is. Mithras Yeah.

Liz -

But what the point I was going to make about the dates and about what happened around that time. So you had the War of Independence, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, the Battle of Waterloo. Yeah, the the emergence of the Rothschilds and and how their wealth all started at the same time. Yeah. And so you have all of these things.

Nigel -

You mentioned the Rothschild set, the picture that you're talking about the last time I saw that picture, Jacob Rothschild was standing in front of it with that woman, Marina Abramovich, who is the spirit cooking woman in the States. Yeah. And, and they're standing in front of that particular picture of Satan. Of Satan.

Liz -

Yeah. And so all these things that happened at that time and then, you know, you move on a little bit, you've got the Industrial revolution and you've got the orphan trains.

Nigel -

Used to set that the people that knew about, they understood about the millennial reign. Those people were all put in asylums.

Liz -


Nigel -

And the asylums that were in the States and around the world were massive building buildings.

Liz -

Huge institutions.

Nigel -

Because and they just, they, they locked them all.

Liz -

Up. Yeah.

Nigel -

And the put the children were all made orphans and if you, if you do an investigation into orphan trains it's just.

Liz -

And baby incubators babies for sale. Yeah. I mean it's just and then you've got the world fairs and destroying the.

Nigel -

Fairs and then you've got the fires.

Liz -


Nigel -

So you got this in.

Liz -

Chicago and.

Nigel -

Boston and Philadelphia. And, you know, you look at some places, you know, we look at the what happened in America, what happened in Hawaii, and the direct energy weapons that they talk about. And you look at what happened in Hiroshima with a with a with a bomb going off there or whatever happened over there or say bomb. But yeah, go with bomb.

Nigel -

And then you look at the old pictures of these cities in the States, it looks like Hiroshima. You're telling me what some, some soldiers with, with little cannons are going to go in level cities.

Liz -

Well look, just look at the world fairs. I mean that's kind of where we you know, this has been you know, we didn't all watch all these the list of last week. You know, but we've been well over the past couple of years or so, I suppose, really since we went into lockdown and and all of that. And we were locked indoors and incarcerated.

Liz -

And we we kind of we've been on this journey and some things we've we've kind of discerned that we're not quite that it didn't really line up with the Bible and it didn't rely on really line with anything really, that we we thought was was biblical or even plausible, really. And, you know, you just have to look at the world fairs and I mean, we have an art TV when we turn it on, we've got something called the Flat Earth photo dump, I think it's called.

Nigel -

It's about 8000, 80,000. And this 8000.

Liz -

And it's a circular rotates these these pictures. And every now and again you look at them, you'll go, what is that? You know, it'll be a picture of a a person with a dog's head on it or.

Nigel -

yeah, like medieval looking they looks because one of the things I said about meant like, meant the medieval stuff is like the pictures. You know, the pictures. I mean, I watch people doing calligraphy, so I'm really into looking at art related stuff. And but especially what I'm really enamored with is when people paint photorealistic.

Liz -


Nigel -

Pictures, you know, like a could be like a woman's face and everything. And she's got and she's got a buzz. She's got water trickling down her face. Well, you know, she's been swimming as something that is spectacular. But and it's like an art is massive and you look back at you look at this other stuff, you think, seriously.

Liz -

It's like it was this.

Nigel -

Like it's like a kid stunt it all. Maybe it did. Maybe it was.

Liz -

Because if you look at you compare those drawings to, you know, in like the hundreds, because we went we did a and we went to the national in Trauger Square didn't like Yeah. One year and we were just looking at the different and actually it was a tour, it was about the the story of Jesus was the Easter story.

Liz -

Yeah. And did and you go through and it takes you through from like the earliest depictions which were around like 900 and, and then up to modern day depictions and you look at them and you like when you didn't really think about it. At the time we only thought about this very recently that you see these paintings and they look like they did look like they'd been drawn a child.

Liz -

Or maybe because I control and, you know, with a crayon and, you know, you look at this and then trying to reconcile that with these cathedrals, I cannot for the life of my I cannot and I refuse to accept that the people that were drawing these paintings in the 1100s that looked like they'd been drawn by a five year old versus the cathedrals that were built around 1112 hundred.

Nigel -

They're still standing.

Liz -

Now and they're still standing now. And the intricacies, you only have to look at the intricacies.

Nigel -

I saw one of the things that I heard on these guys YouTube, was that so why? Why, with all the certain obscenities, there.

Liz -

Was still the gargoyles.

Nigel -

Gargoyles and obscenities. And this and the other hand. How do you square that off? And you think, Well, actually, and I really like this thought. So you're Catholic Pagan heretics go and squat in the churches that were built in the millennium. Millennial, Right. And then retrospectively go and stick all these gargoyles on it.

Liz -

If indeed they were holy. And I'm not saying that they're not, but if you think about it, if they were built in the millennial reign when Jesus was here.

Nigel -

And the thing is, we going to go down the Tesla an ether.

Liz -

And so what I'm saying is that, you know, whilst now they are there, we would consider them to be holy building a place.

Nigel -

Of a place so a.

Liz -

Place of worship.

Nigel -

Religion, religious worship.

Liz -

Yep. So a place of worship. Maybe they weren't places of worship.

Nigel -

Now that's why I think I don't think they were I think they were the cathedral cathode And you're looking at the resonance in places of healing because of megahertz and resonance and so on to heal the body. And this new product, I don't think they were churches. I don't think that they were, you know. KING That was the kingdom of God.

Nigel -

I think, you know, we probably hit that one home. Well, enough is inside of you. That's where God is. He's not in buildings. He's not in temples.

Liz -


Nigel -

Yeah, he didn't want a temple, didn't want a building no. So, you know, at the end of the day, I just think it talking about it. Well is food for thought. God. Yeah. No, no don't just dismiss it now is, you know, we're at a point where we, in a way we are being manipulated, have been manipulated in a massive way.

Nigel -

And when you look at and I mentioned this the other week, but when you look at what's happening right now in our societies around the world, you've got the WEF and W.H.O. making decisions for humanity with a view of killing people off, getting rid of people and injecting them, sterilizing them.

Liz -

Killing humans, culling.

Nigel -

Basically culling humanity, saying, right, well, what we're going to do, we're going to eradicate your ability, we're going to legalize or make it illegal to farm, we're going to we're going to break you. We're going to bankrupt you. So we're going to stop people from farming because you're making it too hot here. I'll tell you where it's going to be hot, my friends, down in hell, which is where they're going.

Nigel -

But we have to look at this. Where is prior to the millennial kingdom? There was persecution of Christians, believers in Jesus that came and went. Now it's not persecution of believers of Christians.

Liz -

not exclusively. No.

Nigel -

No. It's. It's persecution of humanity. Because you haven't got Muslims getting a free pass. You haven't got Jews getting a free pass, you haven't got well, you know, if you want to look at it, the synagogue of Satan, because that's what they were.

Liz -

A free pass.

Nigel -

But no, nobody on this earth is going to get a free pass.

Liz -

Can I just this one other point that I wanted to bring up, which you talked about, which I'm just going to go back to the King James version because you mentioned Muslims and it reminded me so this power in God's word, that this power in this world and at the beginning of this Bible, it says this is to be reached out to the people.

Nigel -


Liz -

So historically, as we understand it, the Bibles were read out in churches, right? They were read out over the people. And, you know, they might be read out on a Sunday night or whatever or whatever it was.

Nigel -

The family the family would do.

Liz -

It would have had a Bible and somebody would have read it. And now if you read it, it's in actual fact, is easier to understand the thing when you read out loud than if you read it to yourself. Yeah, because you can hear it not only do you hear God's Word, but you. It's it just flows easy when you read it.

Nigel -

Well, Joshua, when I says keep the word at the letter of the law. Word of the law on your lips, meaning speak it out.

Liz -

And this in one of the books, Derek Prince book, if you've not read Derek Prince, really, really. Some of his books are great. But he said that the reason that he believed that and Islam had taken such a hold in the Middle East in where you would consider it to be the Holy Land, where it was because they were they had the call to prayer and the call to prayer was being spoken over the people five times a day.

Liz -

And he said, this is why it is such it's so dark. They're dark and satanic. Yeah. Because they're speaking these words out every day five times a day.

Nigel -


Liz -

And that's why there's so much evil in these places. Yeah. Whereas we need to kind of counter that and start speaking out. God's word from the King James speaking out. And because there's power in it, this.

Nigel -

This the thing is, I think people, people don't realize that, you know, when you talk about power, I think that is is kind of like looking to qualify it. You know what what does it mean? Well, one of the one of the significant points is we we want to know my man wants to know, is there a God?

Nigel -

That's what man wants to know. We all have looked at these religious nuts, whether they're blowing people up, saying this, whether they're shooting people or all this kind of stuff, all doing it in the name of God. Yeah, right.

Liz -

But what do you even say is in Bible that they will kill a thing that says they will kill others or destroy others and think they're doing God's service? Yeah.

Nigel -

So, so you've got this this behavior going on, bad behavior like killing people, but then you've got people who, you know, you met in the street who got this says is there a God? And then you go, Then you got people like Stephen Fry who says.

Liz -

You'll definitely you'll have your say.

Nigel -

You've got Stephen Fry, who thinks, okay, you know, what a nasty, awful, capricious God, you know, bone cancer in children. What's that all about? Blah, blah, blah, And thinks he's at some kind of liberty to to mouth off about God and and give God a tongue lashing, you know, thinking that he's he's got something to say and he's like, you arrogant, arrogant, lazy, bigot.

Nigel -

You're you're slagging off God and you've never read the Bible. Never, ever, ever read the Bible. You're a classic bigot. You want to call other people bigots because they don't agree with you being gay, but you haven't even read the Bible and you think you can you can string a few articulate little words together that makes people think, you're so clever.

Nigel -

But unless you change, unless he changes, he will roast with everybody else. Unless he says, I repent of everything I've said and become a believer. Otherwise you get to roast that. And we're allowed to say that because that's what it says in the Bible. If you don't repent, if you're out there slagging off God and you're gay and all the other stuff too, I don't care what people what kind of backlash.

Nigel -

you can't say we can't be okay. Yes, I can't. I thought it was gay. She shouldn't be gay. You can't be gay. You can if you want to. If You want to go to hell.

Liz -

But that's a choice.

Nigel -

A no is a choice. But the bottom line is, is that how can you've got these people that say that say this stuff yet I'm I'm speech like it makes me speechless want to think about what's come out of Stephen Fry's mouth about religion about faith about.

Liz -

God and just shows his level of ignorance because he puts it out there that he is so clever. We won't go on about Stephen Fry. But no, he puts it out there that he is so clever and you know, and he's this mine of useless information, but he is ignorant people. He is ignorant beyond belief because if you hurt a if you declare yourself an atheist, that that even in itself, you know, I don't believe in God, I'm an atheist.

Liz -

So why are you talking about him if you don't believe in him?

Nigel -


Liz -

You know, we're not talking about leprechauns and unicorns and goblins and elves and stuff, but don't you know we're not reading Lord of the Rings thinking Lord of another debate about what The Lord of the Rings is, is a supernatural book. Yeah So, you know.

Nigel -

Well, atheists don't believe in unicorns and.

Liz -

No, no, but but the point is. Yeah, but the point is that level of ignorance. And so what I would just say.

Nigel -

Influencing other people.

Liz -

I know that's.

Nigel -

The big.

Liz -

Problem. Yeah. And so what I would say, because this has been a really big thing for us this week, I mean, a huge thing. It's really, you know, there are certain points on our journey, you know, and for me one of the biggest things was the whole flat Earth thing. Yeah. And that was a big deal for me.

Liz -

And I don't know whether we talked about this, but it was a big thing for me. This is just as huge. And in fact, this is bigger than that because this is because this is seen, you know, in the world, which is, you know, we're told it's the infallible word of God, it's the truth. But when you look at the mathematical perfection of it, it proves that man did not compile this book under.

Liz -

No, no. Under no circumstances could man any man have compiled this book with such perfection. It is not possible to have written that book or even, you know, if you think about the number of books that are written and they were written by different people. If you know, we know that the Paul Paul's books letters were written by Paul and Peter's were written by Peter.

Liz -

You know, we know that the Book of and the Book of Acts were written by Luke. And, you know, so we know the author and authorship of these books. And if we accept that all of these books were written by the people that they set, you know, whether it's Jeremiah or Isaiah.

Nigel -

Just as you say, one wrong word, because it can't be the seven. It just wasn't the 77,000th word or whatever. Yeah, well, the 7000 word or 77,000 word. Is this because it has it can't be changed. It is absolutely, unequivocally perfect. And when you when you look at these and these YouTube videos and someone says the Bible's load of rubbish, you go, Well, I have to disagree with you because no other so called God, no other book, religious book, nothing else in the world exists like the King James Bible.

Nigel -

No. Absolutely nothing. No, no, no, no Buddha, no desk, no Shinto, Taoist, Hindu, nothing. Absolutely nothing. They absolutely chucks every single one of them into a into in the dustbin. Because you cannot you cannot, cannot, cannot touch this.

Liz -

And what I was going to say was, you know it's been such a huge week for us with this, with this revelation. And all I can say to anybody listening to this is two things make sure you've got a King James Bible. That's the first thing. And second is just take the time to watch these videos because once you've watched them once or twice or three times over, often you need to watch them to kind of assimilate that information.

Liz -

You will not look at the Bible in the same way again. I mean, a few months go by. My thought was, I'm going to read, I'm reading the Bible like every single word. And it is true. And that's might sound a bit brown, but the thing is, you know, there are some stories like Jonah in the Whale, for example, or Jobe, or you think, well, you know, maybe they're you know, they're just stories made up, stories.

Liz -

But if you read the Bible from the position, like we said about it's an account of what happened, It's not just a story, it's an account of what happened.

Nigel -

But also in it. But because of this stuff here, it's an account that has been labeled. The people that have written it have been instruct it by God to write it in a very specific way. Referring back to Peter about all Scripture. Is God inspired now? Yeah, I that's light a word or too light an explanation for it.

Nigel -

It is. It is the most.

Liz -

It is God's. When we talk about it being God's Word, you know, maybe this is the point when we talk about it as being God's word. That is absolute. You don't have to say it's God's word. These are God's word.

Nigel -


Liz -

And don't really.

Nigel -

And I what said it before we did this, I said earlier, I just kind of occurred to me that if you've got the millennial kingdom, you've got Satan's little sales, and he gets released, and all these people that haven't heard the Word of God or haven't heard the gospel, how are they going to hear it? And here we are.

Nigel -

We've been given the word of God, and it's our decision whether or not we want to read it or not. It's Not about sending people off into the middle of nowhere to do, you know, to go and preach the gospel and do this. Yeah, we're talking about we have the word of God. It is now our decision whether or not we want to take it up or not.

Nigel -

Do we want to continue sinning and doing our own thing and ignore this, or do we want to follow this and and it just just I don't know what the word is to to give up everything else and just follow this word. Yeah, that's our choice, because we're only here for sure. We know we're only here for a short while.

Nigel -

You know, we could, you know, anybody could go outside and something could happen. Whether these psychos that have given and people have taken them not knowing what they're doing. But anybody, any time we know anybody can drop dead, we know this. Therefore, the most that know the most important thing you're saying can get yourself a copy girl, You've got to watch these videos.

Nigel -

But the other part is go and get baptized. You have to repent. The the critical thing here is to understand, wait a second. Now you should be getting an idea about sin. You're not supposed to do it. You know, you're not supposed to do it. But what I'm saying now is do as you're told. I don't care how old you are.

Nigel -

Do as you're told. Go and get baptized. You make your peace with God straight away right now, and you repent of everything that you've done in the past. Draw that line in the sand and then go and get baptized. And if someone some passage to address it, I'm sorry we don't baptized until the third week and on a full moon on a on on this and the other in October he said well do yourself a favor before I let you out flat you baptize, but you get me baptized now because that's what the problem is.

Nigel -

These churches do not give a monkey's about baptizing people because it's repent, get baptized, feel, be filled with the Holy Spirit. And if it mentions the Holy Spirit, you know, seven times or seven times, seven times, every single thing in the Bible is true because there is a mathematical equation that relates to it backwards and forwards. So if you haven't if you haven't worked out and will have never been compelled before to get baptized, now you should know nobody, nobody in your family, nobody in your group of friends, nobody.

Nigel -

Even if you go to church, go, you don't need to get baptized just. Just say say that you believe and you're good to go. Don't listen to anybody except what your heart is telling you. Read, read the word read. Just look at these diagrams. Just just look at it. Watch the videos. But the first thing you got to do is it because.

Nigel -

Because if you don't get baptized, that's it. There's only two sides. You either for God or against God. And if you forgo to get baptized, if you're against God, you know you don't care. And you certainly wouldn't be listening in a one hour, 28 minutes. So that's our our revelation. We'll probably talk this again next week as one of the thing because it is just it's massive book.

Nigel -

But for me, it is so important to have something that says gotcha you can't have a go at me about this now you can't deny this. My dad said to me, I venerate Jesus. It's like, do you know my dad died? Yeah, so is my mom. Both Catholics. Neither of them knew this. Neither of them wanted to get baptized.

Nigel -

So don't.

Liz -

Don't delay, folks.

Nigel -

Be like them, Get baptized. We're both baptized. And the thing is, is like the whole thing about baptism and this repent get baptized before the Holy Spirit. Now learn about it. Don't do it the other way around. Don't try and cram it all in or learn about it first and make a decision Do not think that you're clever enough or smart enough or superior enough to think that you should make a decision before you want to get baptized.

Nigel -

Just go and do it. Do not listen to anybody else. I think that's I think the message. I give it up right now. So. Okay, that's it. I think that was a good one. I mean, I'm absolutely blown away. If you've got any questions, any anything, any questions whatsoever, not sure about something, message us. You know how to get in touch or details on the website, on the standard website and I'll put all these this all this information will be in the description.

Nigel -

Yeah I think that's it that's that's that's that's everything's the description all the links, all the links to the videos, all the links to the, the diagrams and so on. Everything will be there. And please please read it, watch those videos and then get yourself baptized.

Liz -

And then I.

Nigel -

Mean I say have.

Liz -

A blessed week.

Nigel -

See you next time bye for now.

Liz -
