How to understand the Mark of The Beast - Proof of God IV
![Nigel Maine - Founder](
There is a great deal of fantasy surrounding the number 666 and the mark of the beast, so I want to confirm what it is and what it is not. The matter of End Times and the Mark of The Beast is not simply allegory or myth, it points to a sinister element of our existence that can only be explained with the help of the Bible.
My first exposure to the Mark of the Beast and Satan’s return in the form of an anti-Christ was Hollywood film series Damien Omen. From there, it was something I was aware of but did not pay much attention until watching the news and various programmes that talked about the ‘Mark’ being something physical being put in your hand, like an RFID chip to enable you to buy and sell, as well being able to open security doors!
Hollywood, Left Behind & The Omen!
Many millions of people read many of the thirteen ‘Left Behind’ series by Jerry LeHay and Jerry Jenkins and watched the films and remakes, again referencing 666, the Anti-Christ and the Mark of the Beast.
As a Christian I read and re-read the Bible and when I got to the end it was Revelation where it mentions 666 and the Mark of the Beast, however, what I was unaware of through my readings of the Bible was the number of times 666 was mentioned and the correlation and calculation that made up 666.
Like most people, I believed that the whole 666 thing was simply related to the End Times and subsequently, I, we had very little to worry about as it was always something I thought was going to happen at some time after my demise and exiting this earth.
How Many Anti-Christs?
After watching Brandon Peterson’s (Truth is Christ Ministries) video, the link is below and studying his exceptional illustration of the Bible’s messaging surrounding 666, I began to realise, even though I read in 1 John 2:18 that mentions the following: -
18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
I simply brushed it off thinking that there were many people who didn’t like Christ at that time like most of the Roman empire and various other people and so on.
This is where it starts to get interesting. It’s not until I was able to get a top-down view of all the points on the 666 illustration that I began to see what was being communicated to me/us within the Bible.
The Number 666 Exposes The Players
666 is not simply a person, it’s also strategy, a system and an explanation of all those in the Bible who would attack God, Jesus and the whole basis of what the Bible represents, and it is still being executed today. Nothing has changed.
As in my earlier articles, I’m not going to repeat everything Brandon has done, rather to provide a summary and explanation as I see it.
To begin with there are a variety of people associated with 666, some a named, some are referred to and one is alluded to in relation to end Times. They are as follows:
- The Serpent
- Satan
- Jehoiakim
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Absalom (David’s Son)
- Solomon
- Adonikam
- Chief Priests & Scribes
- Judas Iscariot
- The Beast
- The Woman
- Emperor Nero
- Counterfeit Bibles!
Everything about these names is connected to 666, either the frequency of times they are mentioned or words that relate to them are mentioned, the verse numbers and multiplication.
It is a bizarre experience to gradually become aware of the authenticity and significance of the Bible that has a signature within it that no other could have ever placed there without The Author knowing the beginning from the end.
Let me show you some of the numerical revelations: -
The Serpent
- Serpent + more + subtil = 666 verses
- Serpent + beast + sin = 666 mentions
- The devil + sin + sins = 666 mentions
- Satan + Egypt = 666 mentions
- Satan + Holy = 666 mentions
- Jesus defeats Satan in Wilderness using verses from Deuteronomy 248 + 210 + 207 + 1 = 666
- A voice of the LORD that rendereth recompense to his enemies: Isaiah 66:6
First mention in 2 Kings – 666th verse. Did evil in the sight of the Lord, burned the Word of God, he and his descendants were blotted out of the Book of Life.
- First mention of the word threescore = 666th verse of the Bible in Genesis 25:7
- Last mention of threescore is Revelation 13:18 ‘and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666)
- Nebuchadnezzar is mentioned 60 times
- The image of gold was 60 x 6 cubits
- Six hundred + threescore + six = 60 x 6 mentions
- He desired the heart of every man and exalted himself
- 666th mention of Man
- Given 666 talents of gold in one year (360 days)
- 360 = 60 x 6
- Solomon + six hundred + threescore + six = 666 mentions
- Only persons directly associated to 666 = Solomon + Adonikam + Beast + six
- Temple built | 2 Chronicles 7:19-22 to its destruction 666 verses later
- Temple destroyed | 2 Chronicles 36:15-18
He had 666 children but is mentioned as six hundred sixty and six and does not mention threescore!
Chief Priests & Scribes
- 666th mention of Jerusalem – Luke 18:31 | Parallel verses
- 666th verse of New Testament – Matthew 20:18 | Parallel verses
- 666th + 666th verse of New Testament = Making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition – Mark 7:13 (N.T. verse #1332)
- Matthew 26:66 – They answered and said, He is guilty of death – see below John 6:66
Judas Iscariot
- John 6:66 – Disciples walked no more with Him
- Betray = 6 + 6 + 6 mentions
- 666th Verse, Matthew 20:18 ‘Son of man shell be betrayed unto the chief priests
- The name ‘Judas’ appears exactly as 66th word in verse 6:66
- 13th mention of Judas in N.T. and 13th mention of ‘betray’ immediately following the 13th mention of Judas.
- John 6:66 + 666 words = John 7:30 – They sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come.
The Beast
- Beast + mark + sin = 666 mentions
- Wisdom + understanding + the number + beast =. 666 mentions
- Numbers + mark + sin = 666 mentions
- Beast = 60 + 60 + 60 mentions
- Beast O.T mentions only = 66 + 66
The Woman (Catholic Church)
- Woman = 60 x 6 mentions (No other standalone word is mentioned 360 times)
- Woman + mystery + Babylon = 666 mentions
- Woman + Solomon = 666 mentions
Emperor Nero
- Paul’s last epistle ‘2 Timothy’ before death refers to Nero
- First verse 2 Timothy is 6666th verse of New Testament
- Verse text of 2 Timothy 1,666 words
- Verse text of 2 Timothy 2,666 vowels (a, e, i, o, u)
- Phrase Take Mark… is word 216 = 6 x 6 x 6 from the colophon referring to Nero
Counterfeit Bibles
There are 677 verses in the Gospel of Mark. Modern bibles dispute if the last eleven verse are authentic and footnotes say they are disputed. Some bibles leave the numbering in and some place a line across the page and continue with the written verses.
However, if you remove the #11 verse from 677, you are left with 666 verses!
Solomon + Adonikam + Beast + Six = 666 Mentions in King James Bible. The following ‘versions’ are not so specific: -
- NKJV = 588 mentions
- ESV = 524x
- NASB = 452x
- NIV = 418x
In the Codex Sinaiticus, Vaticanus and Codex C, in Greek, they have added the words “And another took a spear and pierced his side and there came out water and blood” Matthew 27:49
However, it is accepted from the King James Bible and many others that Matt 27:49 is saying ‘The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him.’
The point here is if the Codex Sinaiticus, Vaticanus and Codex C are the basis for the NIV and most other modern bibles, how can anything be trusted if it’s not going to fully reference all its content! Seems to me they know it’s counterfeit, but that’s the point.
It is critical we have a clear understanding of what is happening here. You remember the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. At the end, Indy must choose which vessel is the Holy Grail. The villain chooses the bright shiny bejewelled cup, only to find out, he was wrong.
It is the same with the bibles. The King James Bible is the God Approved and Authentic Bible and the rest are simply counterfeit copies, leaving out words, 68,000 of them and sowing doubt as to which version is correct.
God Wants Us for Eternity
We live in a world which is ruled by Satan and evil. His objective is to wreak havoc, to kill, steal and destroy. What he wants to achieve is to stop people from following God. He doesn’t even want people thinking about God.
We have so much distraction going on in our lives; everything you can imagine that will trigger the dopamine and adrenaline. From TV, to streaming films whenever we want, to getting ‘likes’ on social media, to drinking, to going out partying, right to the way up to drugs, such as sugar and cocaine, sugar being more addictive than cocaine.
Satan wants to replace God with every distraction possible and to steal our peace.
God wants us for eternity and Satan wants us dead, without knowing God. Satan knows once we repent and stop sinning, get baptised and are filled with the Holy Spirit, he’s lost. He cannot trick us any longer, and from that point forward, we belong to God.
Proof The Bible Points to Survival
I know many people cannot be bothered with faith and following God. Most people have become used to being satisfied with the 60 second Tik Tok video, so studying some 2,000-page book is out-of-the-question.
But once you realise that the Bible i.e., the actual Word of God, and in particular the 1611 Bible, which was edited and authorised by God Himself, you will never think of the Bible in the same way again.
But to find out you’ll have to wait until next week to get the full story. I believe there is a reason and season for this which is now. You must ask yourself why God would start revealing this now. What’s going to happen, what’s on the cards? Whose side are you on?
About the Video
Brandon Peterson heads up Truth is Christ Ministries and is the graphic designer of the impressive illustrations - all the graphics can be downloaded here, please support his ministry if you can. I urge you to visit his YouTube channel and commit to watching all of the videos in this series. I believe it will change how you view your faith and how you communicate it to others.
Jaw-dropping 666 Discovery Utterly Proves the King James Bible is God's Preserved Word
Pure Bible Search
The above findings were revealed to Brandon Peterson with the help of Pure Bible Search, a computer program that enables the counting of words throughout the Bible. The program is available free-of-charge and Brandon urges everyone to examine the results for themselves.