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Keep Calm and Pray Out Loud

Published on
2 Dec, 2021
Nigel Maine - Founder
Nigel Maine
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As a business owner and a Christian I often feel torn between thinking that I have to do everything in my own strength to change what's going on in the world or to shout out from the rooftops that we've got to pray out loud, even to pick up a Bible and go to another country and almost scream at people so that they understand what it means to be a Christian and why it is so important to stop blanking Jesus thinking they've got it all sussed!

When I turn on the news or scroll down Facebook or twitter there are so many negative stories being thrust under my nose that it’s difficult to know what to do or think.

But I have to remind myself of some important facts:

My Top Ten "Keep Calm" Reminders

  1. God is not sitting in heaven quaking in his boots, worrying about ISIS or any of the other troubles around the world. He has all ready won the battle for us against the forces that seek to undermine The Way of God. He is the Almighty. (Psalm 89:8)
  2. We’re in a phase of our existence that dictates that we are the ones who have been given the power and authority to step on snakes and scorpions (Luke 10:19) and have been told we will do greater deeds than Jesus Christ himself (John 14:12).
  3. We have all been given individual gifts and talents (I Corinthians 1:7, Ephesians 1:3, Acts 17:11). God does not expect us to individually fly around the world like superman and take care of business (excluding missionaries and those called to do God's work). He expects us to work together and use our gifts and talents where we are situated geographically.  We are to impact our neighbours with our gifts and not believe they are separate in some way in our faith.  We are to love our neighbours too.
  4. We are expected to understand the power of prayer and we are to pray out loud for and about everything. We are to really understand and pray the Lord's Prayer daily (Matthew 6:9) and also to pray for our leaders in Church and in Government (1 Timothy 2:2, Hebrews 13:17). Our leaders are appointed by God and we are to pray that they make good decisions about us and for us (Romans 13:1).
  5. We are commanded; Do not fear (Isaiah 41:10), Do not worry (Philippians 4:6), To seek first the kingdom of God and everything we need will be provided (Matthew 6:33). If we asking for bread, he will not give us a snake or a stone. Matthew 7:9, Luke 11:11)
  6. We are to understand that we are caught up in a supernatural training ground here on earth pending our transition into the next phase of our existence which is in eternity (Ephesians 3:10). So the the things we need and the timing we receive them is also supernatural.  Forgiveness is a fundamental part of this and we MUST NOT harbour it, about anyone.
  7. We are to realise that God is not sad for us when we physically die, because when we were baptised, our worldly spirit died with him and we were raised up as new creations filled with the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:17).
  8. That heavens armies are cheering us on, waiting for us to pray out loud against the enemy who causes all the problems on this earth. Yes, God knows our thoughts and we communicate with him through our thoughts, but they cannot effect a change on earth, the domain of Satan.  Satan knows that as long as we pray silently we are ineffective.  Words are things (The Hebrew word for "thing" and "word" is DAVAR), like seeds, they are spoken, planted and grow, they come to fruition and as Proverbs 18:22 says, there is death and life in the power of the tongue. So be careful and go for it!
  9. That we are expected to exist in the peace that goes beyond all understanding (Philippians 4:7) and that by reading and understanding the Bible (Joshua 1:8) helps us learn more about the ‘how and why’ when it comes to God’s plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11).
  10. We are to live in love as it is explained in 1 Corinthians 13 and if we don't understand it, we are expected to learn.

Keep the Enemy Under Your Foot

As a Christian I know what I'm supposed to do, but so does the enemy. He wants to throw a curve-ball and knock me off track. My faith is in the TRUTH of the word, the Bible.  It means that no matter what the facts may be, the TRUTH wins out every time (Ephesians 6:11).

So can you now see why I would need to be reminded of the above points.  It's not a lack of faith, but an enemy that is set on getting me to forget and go off at a tangent.

The next time you feel that things are mounting up, choose to actively put some time aside and think about where you are in the overall scheme of things and if you don't feel his peace, ask for it, out loud, speak out what you need and wait. Just wait. Be still and know that he is God (Psalm 46:10) and know that he answers everyone.

And if there is something troubling you right now that you are having difficulty dealing with on your own, phone or email us don’t think you have to go it alone.

Know that you are blessed, forgiven, that Jesus is got your back and whatever the situation, you will win!

Bye for now