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What Has God Got Planned For You?

Published on
2 Dec, 2021
Nigel Maine - Founder
Nigel Maine
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January is a month for articles like this that seemed to create thoughts of what might be. Will this be a year everything goes right? Yet still we are led to think that we have to wait on God. However, perhaps this might change your mind?:

  • Psalms 20:4 May he grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed
  • Psalms 37:4 it says Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your hearts desires
  • Philippians 2:13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and power to do what pleases him

My understanding of the above Scripture and Jeremiah 29:11, is that our Almighty God, who knew us before we were born, has a plan for us that he knows we are going to love doing and carrying out. We refer to this as our hearts desires, but in fact it is the desires of God's heart on ours that makes life so amazing, but only if we listen to him and follow through!

The trouble is, we get so caught up with the world and its demands on us that we don't take time out to listen to what God is actually saying to us. The world expects us to put our 'noses to the grind stone' and persevere, irrespective if it is good or bad for us. Whether we chasing money, promotion or believing that we have no choice, we continue doing the same thing day in, day out, simply hoping that something good might happen.

Over the years I have found myself doing just that, just keeping on! I never really understood about God's provision or how to listen to him. When most people hear you saying that you hear from God, they think you've got a screw loose, but those in the know, simply know that you are blessed (as we all are).!

You see, and God has got a plan for each and every one of us, yet we have a habit of either ignoring or disbelieving him. Either way, we lose out.

Get ready to receive!

Without getting overly spiritual, the simplest way to get in tune with what God has planned for us is to become receptive and ready to receive. By this I mean making sure we've got the basics covered!

1. Be clear about our existence on earth! As Christians we believe that God spoke the earth in to being and gave Adam authority over the world and everything in it. Adam was told to be fruitful and multiply. We were created in God's own image so that God would spend time with us and commune with us!

2. Satan came along and deceived Eve. Then Adam handed his authority over the world to Satan because of disobeying God and sinning. This separated us from God because he is holy and sinners are not!

3. And the next 6000 years or so God kept prompting man to behave and live properly even though Satan was the main culprit for making man's life a misery. During this time the prophets spoke in to being the birth of a Saviour - Jesus Christ.

4. Jesus is purpose was to teach us how behave and to reclaim the authority from Satan. By dying on the cross Jesus paid the sacrifice for our sins, brought us back in to a relationship with God and eternal life and also handed the power and authority back to us as born-again Christians, i.e. those who states that Jesus is Lord over their lives.

5. As born again Christians, we can now call on the power of God (the grace of God), through our faith, to bring about and live the life that God had intended for us.

The will of God is the word of God

So what is God's will and plan for our lives? We need to be aware of God's word, because the will of God is the word of God. By reading and studying the bible, you will create a communications link between you and God. This is helped if you write up your thoughts and follow an initial structure click here for more information.

You know that God is speaking to you through your thoughts and your conscience. The language and accent will be familiar because that's how he communicates however it won't be a booming voice from above!

As you become more comfortable with God's word you'll understand the lessons and teachings with increased clarity and wisdom. And it is through this wisdom that you are able to discern what God's will is for you and your life.

I mentioned #1 that God spoke the World into being, #2 Satan spoke to Eve, #3 Jesus was spoken into being by the virgin birth. Throughout the Bible most of the miraculous events are instigated by the spoken word and not by thought. Therefore I urge you to read your Bible out loud and to pray out loud, but in every situation be mindful that death and life and in the power of the time Proverbs 18:21. This means that you get what you say so keep your speech positive.

Four points that help indicate gods will for you!

I saw a program on GOD.TV with a youth leader speaking to a large younger audience about understanding what God's will for their lives was.  It is quite thought provoking - where are you?:

  • When work seems like a hobby, and you would even work for free!
  • Others see you as a leader in a given area or field
  • You get agitated with things are not done properly in a given area and you feel compelled to step in
  • A certain subject is always on your mind

If the above seems familiar about a certain subject, then perhaps you should consider doing it. If you already do, then praise God for putting you where you're supposed to be.

Shalom means peace be with you: and that you have nothing broken, nothing missing and adequate resources to fulfill the direction in life God has given you.

So I say "Shalom" to you...
