How the Year 1611 is Revealed in the Bible - Proof of God V
As believers we are expected to test what we’re told; to research, and especially to read, otherwise we would not be able to know God as He has given us the Bible in a written format. We are expected to study and seek out teachers.
By evaluating a variety of preacher/teachers, we can establish in our own minds what is right or wrong. As well as weeding out the snakes! We alone, individually, are responsible for our own salvation and cannot ‘blame’ anyone else if we’re led astray.
The 1560 Geneva Bible was the first Bible to use Chapter and Verse numbers. Take a moment to consider these facts referenced within the King James Bible. Words and their structures changed from the earlier Bibles that formed the numerical perfection that is in the King James Bible. No other Bible can be measured in the same way, the words in the King James Bible can be calculated.
Numbers Don't Lie
- In the 1611 King James Bible, in Deuteronomy 16:11, the word man-servant and maid-servant both lost their hyphens and became manservant and maidservant, reducing the number of words from the 1560 Geneva and earlier bibles to provide us with this verse that has a perfect 49 words = 7x7.
- In Deuteronomy 16:11, it is the 1611th mention of the word LORD.
- In Deuteronomy 16:11, the word LORD is the 7th word in the verse.
- In Deuteronomy 16:11, the word LORD is the 49th word in the verse = 7x7.
- In Deuteronomy 16:11 it says, ‘Rejoice in the place that God places His name’. which is in the Word of God, i.e., the Bible. It is the 49th time ‘His Name’ is mentioned in the Bible. 49 = 7x7.
- In the 1611 King James bible, it is the first time that the word LORD was differentiated between the word Jehovah: LORD in uppercase and Adonai: Lord in lower case. This first occurred in Matthew 22:44.
Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Old Testament. Acts is the fifth book of the New Testament. Acts is a history of the early Church and Acts 16:11 specifically points to the year 1611!!!
Acts 16:11 says ‘Therefore loosing from Troas, we came with a straight course to Samothracia, and the next day to Neapolis’.
This short, seemingly unimportant verse gives us three things; it gives us the Where, Who and the When.
16:11 - Where
Prior to Acts 16:11, Paul was travelling from Galatia to Phrygia and on to Mysia. The Holy Spirit told him not to travel to Bithynia, on the Black Sea or Asia, which is present day Turkey and specifically the area in which the seven churches are in Revelation.
Paul was given a vision and direction from the Holy Spirit to travel to Macedonia. To achieve that they travelled to Troas (Troy) now called Dalyon on the coast of Turkey. They sailed from Troas to Samothracia (Samothraki) and then on to Neapolis (now called Nea Kavali in Greece).
Samothracia has a mountain on it called Mt Fengari which was used in classical antiquity by sailors for navigation. It is 1611 meters high! The significance of this is enormous. It proves (to me at least) God knew measurement units would change from cubits and leagues to centimetres and meters (which happened in 1791 in France).
It is important to note that Neapolis is in Macedonia, Greece. It is Europe. This is the first time the Word of God has set foot in Europe by Men of God.
16:11 - Who
The people in this group were Paul, Timothy, Silas, and Luke. There are 27 books in the New Testament. Paul and Luke wrote 16 of the books, leaving 11. 16 + 11 = 27
16:11 - When
In Acts 16:11 is the 1611th mention of the word ‘day’ in the Bible. A notable day indeed.
Taking a Straight Path
Looking at the journey on a map, It shows from Jerusalem to London and also from Troas, to Samothracia, to Neapolis is a straight path to London where the 1611 Bible was to be printed in 1611.
Other Notable Days/Years
1517, which marks the day on which Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church. Acts 15:17 says ‘That the residue of men seek after the Lord’ which matches what Martin Luther was doing.
In 313 AD, Constantine ‘legalised’ Christianity. Acts 3:13 says ‘The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him (and Christians) go.
No Bible Can Be Authentic Because They Are Written By Men
When I first became a believer, I was told and read and heard that there were many Bibles, and it was up to me as to which one I chose to read. I heard more comments from people saying that the Bible was unreliable because there were so many versions, and no one had possession of the definitive book.
Now let’s put a 21st century spin on it. How about from around time of 1611, God wanted to ensure His word was provided to mankind in an uncorrupted format. He even stated that no one was to add or alter His word in Revelation 22:18-19.
However, it has not stopped people and publishers printing their own versions, which to date there are, according to Wikipedia, 168 full alternative versions and 58 partial versions. All these versions began appearing from 1752 onwards, 140 years after the publication of the King James Bible. Yet there is no copyright on the 1611 KJB.
It is unsurprising that Satan would want to flood the world with counterfeit Bibles as a line of defence to mankind learning about God and knowing Jesus is the Son of God and enabling us to have eternal life if we have faith to believe.
Everything in our societies works against people to stop them learning about God and Jesus and The Holy Spirit. If the basics cannot be trusted, then naturally nothing else can be either. One only must turn on YouTube or look at Facebook to see how corrupt most of the church is and how debased the rest of the world is to realise that Satan has never stopped influencing everyone from children to adults.
It's a Really Good Book (Seriously!)
I once heard a pastor say during a sermon, holding up a copy of a bible (not KJB) “this is a really good book, you really must read it”. Her husband once said to me, after I had shown him my journals after completing a year-long Bible study, “it’s not right to make the Bible an idol”.
It matters not who they are, but if pastors will minimise the fundamentals of faith in God which starts with reading and learning everything about the Bible, most churchgoers will tell you to pick and choose whichever Bible you take a liking to. I was even told to get a copy of The Message as it might be easier to read being a new believer!
Do not be deceived; there is a battle going on out there and many, many people from pastors to zip-up bible carrying Christians are ready to help deflect or avert focus from God and The Bible. They would profess they wouldn’t but it’s an unchecked reflex!
What If Teaching Started With The Numbers First?
With so many believable anti-bible, anti-Christ, and non-believers out there, it can be difficult to get a handle on the whole faith-thing. When people like Stephen Fry are so able to get airtime on radio, TV or anywhere on the Internet spouting comments like God allowing bone cancer and that He is an evil, uncaring, capricious God and is applauded around the world for his lambasting of God, then it is hardly surprising that many struggle with faith.
I have one thing to say – look at what God did to Sodom & Gomorrah – do you really think God is concerned about someone who lives a lifestyle He abhors, yet so many people are influenced by people like Mr Fry. Few can construct logical arguments to convince and persuade (Acts 17:4) with a backdrop of the entertainment industry.
When confronted with articulate and seemingly eloquent arguments from celebrities, it only serves to support the enemy’s strategy of dissuading potential followers.
That’s why I believe a certain type of evangelism is needed to prove the veracity Bible contents first, to cut through the layered cynicism taught from an early age by the new royalty called 'celebrity'.
Proof of God Series
As a call to action, I have listed the previous articles in the Proof of God series which all point to the numerical perfection held and visible within the King James Bible. The next time someone tells you that the Bible can’t be trusted, you have a good starting point to help them in the right direction.
Proof of God I: Mathematically Perfect Bible from Beginning to End
Proof of God II: Forgive 70 x 7 Times
Proof of God III: Why the Bible is Specific About 153 Fishes
Proof of God IV: 666 The Mark of the Beast System
The research for this series was obtained from Brandon Peterson and in particular his YouTube channel Truth is Christ. Please visit and support him.