Why The Bible is Specific About 153 Fishes - Proof of God III
There are certain numbers that are repeated in the Bible such as three, seven, forty, twelve and so on. But when it comes to 153 fishes, it seems to many pastors and preachers to be a random number and not a number anyone seemed to have any idea what it was supposed to refer to. This is an amazing Proof of God III.
We do not have a God of confusion or error. Everything God has ever done and recorded has been deliberate and for our benefit. Nothing needs to be added or taken away.
FYI: the 153 fishes does not relate to food or provision, rather it refers to a physical act itself.
Why church-goers have a hard time believing Pastors
Having sat through many-a-sermon, I always wondered where the Pastors got their research data from. The popular strategy is to preach based upon themes, such as grief, forgiveness, pride, or guilt. However, many agree that church-based sermons are more like a Tony Robbins motivational speech rather than preaching God’s word.
To provide some perspective about 153 fishes, I have listed some of the explanations available online for you to gauge where you might stand on this matter:
- Cornelius à Lapide, a Jesuit priest (1567-1637) writes that the "multitude of fishes mystically represents the multitude of the faithful which Peter and the Apostles afterwards caught by the net of evangelical preaching and converted to Christ".
- Evagrius Ponticusreferred to the catch of 153 fish, as well as to the mathematical properties of the number (153 = 100+ 28 + 25, with 100 a square number, 28 a triangular number and 25 a circular number) when describing his 153-chapter work on prayer.
- Louis de Montfort, in his fifth method of saying the Rosary, connects the catch of 153 fish with the number of Hail Marys said (3 plus 15 sets of 10)
- St Paul's Schoolin Londonwas founded in 1512 by John Colet to teach 153 poor men's children, also in reference to the catch.
- 153 fishes represent preaching the Gospel to the nations
- 153 fishes represent Jesus’ power over nature, as well as turning water into wine etc.
- 153 is the sum of a triangular number T17 representing all the elect to be saved.
- 153 were all the types of know fish at the time and represented all races – Jerome 4th Century priest.
- 153 = 100 married lay people, 50 widowed lay people and 3 celibate people all faithful to the church!
- 153 represents the overflow from God
- Peter returning to his old job and trying to do all in his own strength
- Ezekiel 47:9 Many fish will live in the Dead Sea
- There is no reason to understand the number of fish caught that morning is anything but 153 literal fish. They have no hidden meaning or symbolism or symbolic reference. It’s just 153 reasons to believe Jesus! https://www.gotquestions.org/153-fish.html
- Fishermen exaggerate!
Brief Summary; they’re all fishing!
Everyone Wants Proof of God
In John 4:46 a nobleman approached Jesus and asked Him to heal his son. Jesus commented, unless you see signs and wonders you won’t believe. Jesus told him his son lives. As the nobleman returned and approached his home, his servants greeted him and told him his son was alive. The nobleman asked at what time his health changed and they said it was at the seventh hour or 1pm.
It is no different now. We all want proof, and I can say with 100% assurance that the Bible is the proof we have all wanted, even though there are many counterfeits and alternative versions. Read this article for more information about Bible versions.
I believe that God has provided us with the Bible on two levels. The first is to unequivocally prove the King James Bible is from God, in His language and His format and to do that He has made the entire Bible mathematical perfect, from start to finish. Every other version is counterfeit as it literally does not ‘add up’.
Even the Greek ‘adds up’.
Secondly, once you have accepted the providence and veracity of the King James Bible, you can then get on with understanding the lessons He has provided us to live by.
For God So Loved the World
Approaching this subject of 153 fishes, it is best to understand and recognise God’s purpose for us. Whilst He created us in His image, He also expected us the research and learn.
There are two elements to this subject; the first is about Jesus preparing for His ministry of preaching the Good News and secondly, in that process, corralling the necessary people, i.e., His disciples, to assist Him.
The First Catch
In Mark 1:13-20 and Luke 5:1-11 we are presented with the events surrounding Jesus approaching James, John, and Simon after they had been out fishing. Jesus used one of their boats to preach from rather than be forced to stand in the water!
When Jesus had finished preaching, He told Simon to let down his nets to catch a draught of fish. Simon explained he had been out the whole night fishing, however, he submitted and said, “at thy word I will let down the net”. And they caught a great multitude of fish!!
Included were also James and John, the sons of Zebedee and Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.
Simon + James + John are mentioned 153 times in the Gospels!
Jesus proves His deity by making a request and then supporting it with a miracle.
The Ultimate Catch – Why Mention 153 Fishes
After Jesus’ death and resurrection, He appeared multiple times, approximately 500 in total and in one such appearance, on the Road to Emmaus, He stopped the two disciples from recognising Him.
In His final appearance to the fishermen on the shores of Lake Galilee, there is a repeat of their fishermen’s first encounter with Jesus. This time, the fishermen the Bible specifically mentions by name is Simon (Peter), Nathaniel and Thomas. This time it refers to James and John as the sons of Zebedee. Furthermore, it makes reference, to two other disciples.
Nothing is random and every word is in the Bible for a reason.
The identified fishermen: Peter + Thomas + Nathaniel + James + John are mentioned 153 times in the Gospels.
As you may be aware, Simon’s name was referred to as Peter. The first three names mentioned are Simon + Peter + Thomas which are mentioned 153 times in the Gospels.
The remaining names Didymus + Nathaniel + James + John are mentioned 48 times.
A triangular number T17 = 153. The perimeter of the sum of a T17 triangular number is 48.
Appointing Fishers of Jews & Gentiles
It is written in Galatians 2:7 by Paul; But contrariwise, when they saw that the Gospel of the uncircumcision was committed to me as the Gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter.
Here Paul is confirming he is the apostle appointed to Gentiles and Peter to the Jews.
- Peter is mentioned in 153 verses in the Gospels (singular form, not possessive)
- Paul is mentioned in 153 verses in the Gospels (singular form, not possessive)
- No other persons are mentioned 153 times in the Bible.
- Peter + Paul = 315 mentions and the last mention of Paul is in 2 Peter 3:15
And finally, if you take the total number of verses in which Christ is mentioned is 777. Counting back from 777-153=625, which equates to the number of verses Jesus is mentioned. Take a look at the full list (I think) of all the mentions of 777.
I have to ask myself, is there a conclusion to this? Where does anyone go from here? especially if you’ve followed this series with the Perfect Numbers of 7777’s and The Forgiveness + 70 x 7 articles.
A few weeks ago, I began reading the Bible from the beginning again, this time with a larger print KJB (if you know you know!) and I feel more connected to God’s word and truth-be-told, somewhat nervous. I guess that’s called ‘fear of the Lord’.
Like so many people, I have been told “well, you can get any Bible you like” as long as you’re reading it. But then that seems to fit into a much larger narrative that presents itself every step of the way to seekers and believers. That is subtle blocking!
It’s difficult enough for people to approach a church and step over the threshold, let alone connect with someone. Every step of the way for a seeker, they have to push themselves. Church is not interested in why you’re there just as long as you are and they will never place any burdens on you like study or any other activity, unless it’s to support their operation.
People are blocked from fully understanding God and His word by a lack of engagement and them wanting to understand why someone new has turned up at their church.
- They’re not called to repentance
- Baptism is not mainstream, and many argue against it
- Religious conduct is applauded
- Worldly engagement such as LGBTQ, Israel is encouraged
- Abortion is some cases is accepted
- Worldly worship
- Worldly behaviour is encouraged/emulated
- End-times
- Rapture
- Flat Earth
- Post Millennialism
Every step of the way is made difficult for inquisitive people, and they are forced to accept the traditional norms even if it’s an evangelical or Baptist church.
No one else is responsible for our individual salvation. When it comes to judgement, no one will be allowed to apportion blame to someone else. It’s all on you/me.
Until next week, know you are blessed and that there an amazing future embedded within the Bible. You only need open it.
Bye for now.